
0/10 would not recommend

Yeah, we should amend that panel for those details, and somehow work in fucking thoughts and prayers. Just so it’s all covered.

“It’s starting to look like roast beef!”

Right? I kinda like her response- it’s none of her damn business, and it’s sure as hell not her responsibility to comment on any of her players’ orientations. 

Yeah, that made me really mad. I’d be down with them bringing her back as the primary villain, tho.

So I thought that picture was an exageeration- surely no one had hair that looked like that on the regular?

That would indicate some semblance of self-awareness, of which there is none. 


...a 38 year old “man”

Oh, that’s our #1 family rule- no one is to EVER mention my birthday when we’re at a restaurant. Pointed and vicious vengeance will be had!

Honestly, the main reason I never ordered fajitas in a restaurant until I was well into my 40s was because of that sound- instead of appealing to me, that sizzling sound provoked some kind of animal “don’t burn me” instinct. 

Honestly, when I scrolled thru the pics and came to the church setup, I was like, yep, there’s your orgy room

Hey, according to that big fake book everyone always talks about, he at least really, really tried!!

Yup. I had it in ‘99. It’s something you *never* forget!!

That’s some really interesting stuff!!

This was epic. Thanks for shaing. 

Dip Dad FTW!!