If you go far enough left or right, they’re virtually indistinguishable from one another.
Sure, but it’ll have to be a car I freaking LOVE to even consider buying, if the company that makes it is on board with a subscription service of any sort.
If heated seats are installed in my car, but I need to pay a subscription fee to access the feature installed in my car, then I will not be purchasing that car.
Right? The absolute 100% IDEAL is to not smell anybody else. Like, ever.
“We can get whatever age we want. It’s just crazy. It’s easy over there.”
The OG of financial fads!
With all the $$$ this game made, you better believe somebody is working on this very thing!
But mah clicks!!
Thanks for the clarification about the waterfall- at first when I read this I thought, oh, how cool would it be to own some land with a waterfall on it?
100%!! I don’t judge- my wife loves Discovery. I just find someplace else to be while she’s watching it!
Coming from someone that LOATHES Discovery, Strange New Worlds is excellent. Give it a try, if you have time!
Kee-RIST, now all I can think about is a theme park dedicated to Lovecraftian horrors.
Yikes. I just took a look at that pic. Oof.
Nah, that requires parental involvement. Better to sanitize the whole thing so lil’ Johnny doesn’t have any questions.
Agreed. Just sets my teeth on edge.
The Left remains a circular firing squad.
God, Bully was SO good, wasn’t it?