Ok, I feel like I need to see pics of Scorpion and Sub-Zero now, please.
Ok, I feel like I need to see pics of Scorpion and Sub-Zero now, please.
Here’s the thing:
Huh. I’ve seen that (excellent) flick 10s of times and never knew the People Eater’s name.
I’d be happier with term limits.
Yeah, I worked for Babbage’s in the early 90s for a couple of years (part time while I went to school), and while my wage remained pretty much static, the employee discount was pretty decent. Also, I don’t know if they allowed this at your place, but at mine we were allowed to take games home for a couple of days &…
In Britney’s case it was more “old enough to wear whatever she was told to wear.”
This just in: people continue to be horrible. Ugh.
That was my thought- the drive thru is where it’s at. Spending big $$$ to refurb a dine-in area where not too many people go seems like a waste of cash.
“It’s no big deal!”
Agree 100%.
Yeah, I just have ventilated seats and they maybe work 25% of the time. Next car I get, I wanna feel like I’m reclining on a block of ice.
That cherry pie!!!
“Top Thrill Dragster, as you know it, is being retired.”
Safety features like lane departure warnings and automatic braking that I can turn off with a switch, and that stay off until that switch is flipped again.
Here’s a Polygon article about this:
Oh hell, I had no idea!!!!
How delicious would the midterms be, if the Democrats SWEEP the pugs? Between the outrage about the abortion ruling and the notice about student loan forgiveness, I hate to say it, but I’m actually feeling kinda optimistic about November...
I believe it’s somewhere in the Bahamas.
Apropos of nothing on topic, I feel like I need to see a picture of your agoraphobic kitten.