
It makes me wonder how these things are going to be on the used market. You can get a used ICE vehicle and be reasonably sure that it’ll be mechanically sound or, if not, that it can be repaired in at least a somewhat cost effective way.

This is the meat and potatoes of it. So long as the interest rates remain the way they are, this is a band-aid on a gaping wound. 

Don’t we always? 

You’re better off not watching any of that monstrosity. Evil is head and shoulders better. 

People gotta be people. 

Seriously, I would’ve burned that place down as soon as they landed at Dragonstone. 

Nah, his licenses are PISSED. 



Now playing

This moment really cemented my love for Tyrion. 

Also, from what I’ve read, Hitler’s mustache was the style because it would fit under a gas mask (from World War 1). 

To be honest, Evan’s mustache was the real star of that movie. 

against the city and the drivers involved in the crash.”

One could argue that she never should’ve been famous in the first place, honestly. I was never entirely sure why she was. 

Why can’t they let her rest in peace? Because of this:


Oh, how I hope this bleeding, sack of diseased shit gets what’s coming to him. The pic of him when the attorney said he knew he was lying will make me sleep comfy and cozy tonight.

This will pass, and abortion will be banned, because people are stupid.