I’ve never ridden a motorcycle before, but if they made a stock version of this bike I’d damn well take lessons and get one.
I’ve never ridden a motorcycle before, but if they made a stock version of this bike I’d damn well take lessons and get one.
See, this here is an idea I can wholeheartedly get behind.
Right on.
HEY! I haven’t seen that one in a while! :)
I say, this Ezra Miller person seems like a dick.
I thought that’s what church was actually for!!
*In Morgan Freeman’s voice
Yeah, but didn’t the statue of Caesar at the end of the final movie cry? I seem to remember the narrator making a note of that, which to 7 year old me indicated the future was going to be a repeat of the older movies.
I’m SO there for this!!
Yup. Stanislav Petrov literally saved the world.
I’m with spookiness- I was 10 in 1980, so I completely grew up with the fear of imminent nuclear war. Well, that and Jesus coming back & being pissed off, but that’s a whole other bag of craziness.
There’s a Wedding Crashers sequel in the works?? What, are they crashing weddings at retirement homes or something?
Yup. Just saw this. I wonder if the fact that it sunk will affect the insurance payout in any way?
Yup. Do what they did with the original Star Trek series- just redo the FX and we’re good.
Lol, I think you’re the only person who was “pleasantly surprised” by that movie!! Cheers!
“What the fuck is this?”
Yes, November is going to be absolutely critical.
Have you ever read the novel? It’s also suitably bleak, down to the way the prose is laid out on the page.
The first Howling movie was, in my opinion, pretty good.