
You magnificent bastard. 

What an utterly bizarre movie. I just saw it for the first time two weeks ago, and I’m still puzzling over it. 

Was it weird that I liked Tarka mainly because he was a dick to everyone else on the ship? He also didn’t want to cry in a corner about anything, which was a refreshing change of pace. 

So far sand hasn’t come up as a topic, but hey, the season isn’t over yet. 

I always felt Avery Brooks’ delivery was wooden, and that he would’ve done better playing a Vulcan. These days I’m pining for Avery Brooks. He didn’t tear up at the mention of somebody else’s feelings, at the very least. Stewart is a classically trained actor, so of course he’d be the standout when it comes to

It’s like they want to be able to deliver all these heavy, emotional gut-punches, but they skip ALL the necessary build up to make those deliveries count. If that makes any sense. 

I guess I took the “great talent” as a way to subtly manipulate my emotions. Which I don’t believe it has. But that’s my opinion, which doesn’t mean much. 

The show has a great talent for emotional manipulation

Fair points. 

Kinda puts a new spin on the “should police pursue car thieves” debate, doesn’t it? If I’m going to be held liable for cleanup or whatever results from a crash after somebody steals my car, I’m all for the cops chasing them down and collaring them as quickly as possible. 

...that falls under “cruel and unusual punishment,” I think. 

Came here to say much the same thing, but you beat me to it (and said it better). Cheers!

Yeah, I kinda hate that. 

Right?? Good lord, I’d buy an archipelago in the South Pacific and live the life...

Well, now THAT’S in my head. Thanks. 

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This show shouldn’t be named “Discovery,” as there’s barely any exploration being done apart from the seasonal big bad. It should be named Star Trek: Feelings. 

I’m glad I’m not the only one to remember that Merlan debacle. 

One can make a strong argument that the nids are the only morally pure race in the game!