

No worries. I’m here for it!

Shhh... you’ll jinx it

I just re-watched this yesterday, and somehow I completely forgot about the THIS FUCKING COUCH eyebrows line. Just perfect.

Well, now I have THAT damn song going through my head...

Man, when that head (pictured above) grows legs and starts walking outta the med bay, and the radio dude goes “you gotta be fucking kidding me,” that’s when I knew this sucker was one of the best horror films of all time. 

I think the correct term is “unhoused” these days. 

....Aaaand now I can’t unsee that. Thanks. 

Absolutely. Frankly, I think Lupita would make a better Black Panther than Chadwick. 

Seriously, the Vader series have been really remarkable!

Now THERE’S a way to improve Rise...

I dunno- if I had to lay odds on any “foster fail” it’d be Grogu.

She does so much good for strays and cats in need! I absolutely love her Insta. 

I’m not a fan of Order, but I’m definitely with you on Prisoner. At the end of that movie Harry was actually HAPPY, and that meant a lot. 

There’s something I really, really dislike about Jada- I’ve never been able to nail it down to anything factual. Just a feeling. I’ve never liked her. 

Feels like an Arby’s night.

I’m only DWTS-adjacent, as my wife watches (and enjoys) the show while I’m in the room on my tablet, looking at Instagram cats. But your commentary absolutely cracks me up- I needed this today!!!