but....720p is terrible
but....720p is terrible
but....720p is terrible
but....720p is terrible
America died? Get out then. People would die to live here under any circumstances.
Is alcohol a snack? The answer is normally no, but there are exceptions. Is the alcohol in question a limited craft…
Then you are endangering yourself and others out of ignorance by constantly “picking up your phone and looking at it.” Just get a mount!
Menasor is the combined form of the Stunticons. And no, I had no idea who Starscream was. I am a huge Transformers fan, and I have never heard of Starscream.
“As for the question of small businesses, “the fact of the matter is if the only way a business can succeed is by working someone at 60 hours a week for $25,000 a year, if the profit margin is that small, then that business has really big problems in and of itself,” she said. “That’s not the model we need to embrace…
It’s a better idea to list real pros and cons of both candidates then the bs you posted. But then, you aren’t looking for dialog, just pushing opinion.
duct/duck tape is neither known food safe nor classed as safe for potable water, additionally if you get the stuff cheap from the dollar store/etc who knows what chemicals you are potentially exposing yourself or your pet to.
Whenever a writer really muffs something, I always imagine him/her clicking the publish button with a sense of pride and accomplishment, getting up to grab a snack and some coffee, shoot the breeze with those other guys that haven't posted their work, and then returning to their desk to find... This.
Even worse, my wife makes me be the one to take advantage of the ungodly long return period for the whole family.
Please see “Saved By The Bell” Season 2, Episode 9. It seems to allude to the fact that caffeine pills are a gateway to more serious drug usage. “I’m so excited, I’m so excited...I’m so scared”
Wait, how was the game catering too much to hardcores? It’s not like there was any huge benefit to playing in HC mode.
So saying, “nice tits.” isn’t the way to go? I’m so confused...
“Allah A.I.-Car!”
Good tip for some. I however plan on watching tv while eating pizza followed by bed at 10 p.m. :)
A game based off the 80’s transformers cartoon is released. And it was amazing.
Your opinion is objectively wrong and you should feel bad about it.
This is what Transformers should look like.