Sunk Cost Fallacy, to give it a name
Sunk Cost Fallacy, to give it a name
I live in Fall River, you don’t wanna come here
This one and Girl Drink Drunk are my favorite skits
Oh, come on, why even have a slider? Like everyone isn’t just gonna use the max setting anyway
Or, you know, you can make a whistle out of something A LOT easier to find while out in the woods
We would probably have to do it slowly. At first, all signs would need to have dual info (standard/metric) but, and I’m serious about this, we’d need a couple/few generations of that. Long enough that the people that grew up with JUST standard got old and died off. The younger generations would already be used to…
Just gonna leave this here
This would be slightly better with a wifi only mode for this option, for those of us without unlimited data.
One thing I really loved about Alien Trilogy was that if you put the Playstation disk in a regular CD player you could listen to the soundtrack. Discovered this just for putting the disk in a reg CD player for shits and giggles. And what an amazing soundtrack it was. Very creepy/ethereal music. The closest I’ve ever…
Yeah, I’ve tried a few other scents from the line, here and there, but this one smells the best. “Swagger” actually make me break out in a rash, it’s the only deoderant that ever did that to me. I’ve been using OS for near on 20 years now and it will work for 2 days straight if I don’t shower. Luckily, I really never…
Yeah, I’ve tried a few other scents from the line, here and there, but this one smells the best. “Swagger” actually…
I do not like beans. However, I do not mind beans in chili. For what it's worth.
Uh, how about just turning it off instead?
No. Orgasm. Candle.
How the hell does Fix-a-Flat ruin tires? I've used it on a couple occasions and the tires have lasted for YEARS afterward. I always keep a can of that in my car, it's saved my ass, and that of friends, on more than one occasion.
Look at the love this is getting compared to WWZ.
The book is brilliant, read it. I'm so very meh about the movie tho.
This is beyond beautiful
SIGH... I miss Stargate Universe. However, I am very much looking forward to a new Whedon show on TV. It has been too long since we've had one to watch.
OK, as long as it's in good fun ;) The only thing I gotta add to the discussion is that I wish it would get released in HD and new CGI is used. And it is the best, non Star Trek, sci fi show of the 90s.