His end of life lesson is worthy of consideration in an age where people “live” their last years with very little, if any, quality to that life:
His end of life lesson is worthy of consideration in an age where people “live” their last years with very little, if any, quality to that life:
You know, a weird thought just occurred to me: maybe, and hear me out on this one, but maybe they take high school football too seriously in Texas.
I have no doubt she feels she’s forgiven. And if she divorces yet again, she’ll be forgiven yet again.
Christianity is apparently like Choose Your Own Adventure. She can pick out the stuff she likes (hating gays, long denim skirts) and ignore the stuff she doesn’t (divorce is bad).
I still don’t understand how someone who has been married four times can say with a straight face that it undermines her religious beliefs to allow gay people to marry.
Dear dining public:
“They’re also not a necessary ingredient for having a good time.”
“I’ve got better things to do tonight than die.”
How long do I have to wait to get lucky though? Like do I have to stay up all night or what?
Yeah! I mean, Trans is right there in the title! /s
I don’t play StarCraft multiplayer at all. I’ve played maybe five matches total, enough to decide that it isn’t for me.
Those poor Christians! The underrepresented majority. It’s not like six of the nine Supreme Court Justices, 91.8% of Congress, and the President of the United States are all Christian or something!
Is there a link to the “average 20 minutes to orgasm” stats? Because, of the women I’ve been with, only one has taken that long (though to be fair I was only 19 and really didn’t know what I was doing). The average for the women I’ve been with, if you exclude that outlier and my ex-wife, is 5-7 minutes for the first…
Omg me too! Group hug, Old Spice sisters!
Omg me too! Group hug, Old Spice sisters!
The “fresh” version is better. Pure sport is gross
The “fresh” version is better. Pure sport is gross
So not only are you throwing away extra money by buying organic, but you’re throwing money away to the very same people who you’d otherwise buy the regular stuff from.
It’s FOX/GOP hysteria. They love to play the victim and pretend that Obama is worse than Hitler. Educated Americans just roll our eyes when people overreact like this and compare anything to WW2/Nazi Germany.
I’ve never commented on Kinja nor have i felt compelled to. But I can’t help myself; the current state of America is completely fucked. Period. And no one is listening.