Bronze Sebs Fever

The point is, I think, Who is the arbiter of the litmus test? In White feminist spaces WOC are often decried as being anti-feminist or misogynistic because they do not meet some standard that someone, somewhere created, so, oddly enough, I can empathize with what this very powerful White man is saying.

Given that he’s been dealing with this crap (cf. Willow & Tara/Oz/Kennedy; Buffy & Angel/Spike; etc. ad naseum) since before many of those giving him it now were born, I am inclined to believe his statement.

Never let Renner near a microphone again.

Can we please stop treating Josh Whedon like some kind of gift to feminism hand picked by God in heaven. I like Buffy, and i like Firefly. I loved the first Avengers and the second. But i am not going to pretend that Whedon has a flawless record.

Basically he looked like this when they led him out:


Vision and Wanda are a couple in the comics, and should be on screen. You are correct, all the characters in the film were cardboards and Hawkeye was easily the most removed from his comic version. In fact, Whedon basically made him Wash from Firefly.

Okay, actually her TK is shown every time she “blasts” an Ultron bot. Or uses it to shield people in a bubble. That’s her TK. The thing is, her powers in the comics were based on chaos magic and mathematical equations. She is literally the strongest character in the Marvel universe based on power and ability alone. I

Oy, sounds like I need to see this movie again.

Those people are too busy vilifying single mothers who survive on $29 a week to care about a career criminal who travels at taxpayer expense more than an international flight attendant. Priorities!

Oh Christ, you’re one of those nutjobs.

We demand a long-form Threat Certificate to prove that you aren’t “playing victim” to advance your cause!

Following GG’s lead, we must of course request that all involved provide clear evidence they are not in fact behind this threat.

My outer adult is crushed by how narrow your standards of attractiveness are. He’s a human, not a walking Tiger Beat poster.

This picture is giving me a video game-y vibe. More specifically, Grand Theft Auto: Douche City

A real journalist wouldn’t pretend like asking someone to rehash their struggles with addiction but in 4 minutes and with no time to prepare thoughtful remarks was doing anyone a favor. A real journalist would have done some basic research about addiction and asked questions that showed at least a basic understanding

For once, I’m team Downey, Jr.

Honestly, before it even gets into legalities, etc., the workshops/presentations/panels I do talk about really heavy stuff (sexual assault, consent, rape culture, etc.). It’s hard enough for folks to talk about that kind of thing even with the agreement that what is said stays in the room, you know?

I don’t want to derail us from the actual point of the article, but one thing I find fascinating about many online men’s groups* is that they talk about women as highly dependent creatures who make less money than men and, as a result, seek out wealthy men for added financial security, particularly if they want to