Bronze Sebs Fever

What is wrong with you, you just spoiled that and you’re the top comment.  i like reading the reviews after each episode, asshole.

Do they say that?  I’ve only watched a few of their videos but I’m disappointed in them all the same.  Geez.

It was posted on youtube, I’m sure it’s gone now, but I briefly toyed with your reasoning but then decided I didn’t have two hours to give to it. It was my only chance though; I like Chloe Grace Moretz but was never a fan of Louis CK as I never sought out his work, so I don’t have regrets but I’m still kind of curious.

Do you remember a few years ago everyone on the internet was saying “I lost the game. sadface?” In order to lose it in real time all you had to do was look to see someone doing that sign. 

The complaints started on The Blaze, a nutty conservative blog.

Kick-Ass 2 focused a decent portion of its satire on how women are treated in comics while also focusing a Peter Parker In High School story on Hit-Girl, so naturally Kevin Smith wouldn’t know what to do with that. I mean, duh.

The second one is fantastic too.  I don’t get the hate.

Kurt Russell is a republican?  I wouldn’t have thought that.

I read the initial story on Kotaku and apparently they didn’t cover it pretty well because they differ significantly from what commenter natureslayer says happened.

It wasn’t just pedo jokes, there were anti-AIDs victim jokes, jokes about tr*nnys, all kinds of offensive jokes.  When he says he’s grown a lot he’s not kidding.

She should’ve kept her mouth shut for sure, but why no hate for the director? He proved with GiTs that he can’t handle a deep story or characterization and he had to generic up a movie about IDENTITY, ffs.

The adventures of drunken middle-aged college professors in the midst of existential crises was its own genre in the 80s.  Wonder Boys was better but only by a smidgeon.

Mathew Vaugn announced a reboot, I guess he backtracked and meant prequel and sequel. (A prequel would be impossible, that’s just silly.)

Yesss, Theresa! Same mannerisms for a few minutes too: she kind of blunt forced her words in the same way Theresa did when she smoked, like she much preferred her cigarette to whoever was talking to her. (Which was an interesting red herring when it came to Bernard.)

Is this a reference to Runaways? *scratches it off the list*

Agreed. Also very network-flavored as opposed to prestige shows. I’m surprised at the “smart scifi” compliment; seemed to me every change or consequence in season 1 was dictated by budget. Plus things happened because they needed to, like getting handed a bar or taking over a bar or whatever. (Who has time to raise

A while ago I discovered that Agent Thomas’ actor is married to Dichen Lachman - I’ve been expecting Jaiying to show up ever since. Especially since they’re doing callbacks to previous story arcs. My money is on “She’s alive.”

Get well soon, Mike Fahey.

Oh god, it’s a Captain Marvel birther.

The piece heavily infers that Uma was raped by Weinstein and blocked it out. Dowd gave the bare facts, Uma couldn’t remember them and isn’t quoted except for talking about her friend she brought along.