Bronze Sebs Fever

What are you, 13? Sex appeal and objectification are two different things.

Villenueve sounded pretty confident about Dune. I think just getting the ok means the studio is ok with his direction.

Gosh, someone actually lives their life based on what white feminists - and let’s be real, you’re talking about the ones around Kinja parts - say.

That you noticed they were women and are insisting it’s creating a forced narrative means there is a lot of work to do in the manner of TLJ and casts.

This comment offends me on multiple levels. Fuck off to the right post to whine about women in your movies, yah?

All the women he married are feminists, not sex objects. Shut up.

Did i mention that? Then, no.

Yes. You’d have to buy ARK and then the expac, then find an official or private server running this expac. Or, load it up on single player.

I’ll take the heat and agree with you. I’m reminded of the “dongle” incident, which was just ridiculous yet held up as a prime example of harassment in the gaming industry. And honestly, the question that guy asked is NOTHING. Laugh it off or say no with a glare and move on.

Great work.

She nearly broke Hanzo too. ;D

No, I meant kids age themselves up in Overwatch and game-related media all the time. ALL the time. It’s to the point of silliness, tbh.

Taimou doesn’t think girls can play video games.

Plus Taimou IS an ass.

Except no one is a teenage girl on the internet when you talk to them.

Too late! I’m all about Hanzo and Alexstrasza now.

Hanzo has a high skill floor and skill ceiling...

Not really relevant to this post but it’s occurred to me that if I were a games journalist I would completely lose my mind with excitement over this year’s Blizzcon and its reveals.

“A village, high atop a hill. There are cherry blossoms in the spring. I miss it dearly.” 

There was a lot of talk that he went method for The Doors. It was his really BIG break. I have a vague memory that Kathleen Quinlan came out that movie hating him too.