Bronze Sebs Fever

Yeah, and as an ND alum, this reads a lot like another instance of campus authorities trying to make it women’s job to keep men in line.

So does Eve’s role in Star Trek make her an... astroTERF?

I honestly believe that gamers are some of the most socially disconnected people in the entire world. Like, people will argue with each other hard enough to get into straight up personal attack fights that lose all context over something like a strategy, balance patch, or some social issue.

And people forget DayZ only happened because the guy was working for BI as a temp and was doing it to learn how to use their systems.

seems like Grainger was pushing the wrong things, but for the right reasons, and the fraternity was trying to do the right thing for the wrong reasons. I disagree with both in how they responded to the situation. Grainger comes off as whiny and pedantic, and the fraternity shows themselves for the knuckle-dragging

It would make more sense to me if it were a glass replica of said former love’s actual penis. Just saying.

a classic AND appropriate.

I feel like Chrissy Teigen’s Cry Face is the most underused gif ever. I adore it.

I can’t stand people touching my feet and had my first pedicure at the age of 34 because my friend made me (she even sprung for it). Six weeks later I got a plantar’s wart. NEVER AGAIN.

so topical.

Yeah Renner’s made me uncomfortable since that interview about how much he sympathized with the neo-Nazi he was playing in “Neo Ned.”

It is so sad she has died, hope she dident was in pain.

They are obviously joking and answering a question about shipping psuedo in character (but not really). If anything, this comes across like making fun of people who can’t get over being jilted. Perhaps they shouldn’t have said it, but after watching the video, I fail to see any major aggressions.


As someone whose research is somewhat related to this type of argument, men and women’s brains do seem to be different and there is a increasing volume of research that suggests that men and women solve mental tasks in different ways (not better or worse just different) and so it is entirely possible that one type of

Wait, I thought Christians were supposed to be looking forward to Christ’s return in the second coming and/or the rapture. In that case, shouldn’t she be *thanking* Obama?

Guys, this is just censorship, pure and simple. The same thing happened to me recently.