Scarlet Letter

Last episode I watched Noah was kidnapped at the end of it. I haven’t watched an episode since and was still pissed Barba resigned. I guess I should catch up, so I can hate this new ADA appropriately.

I thought they were going that route with Carisi, since they did make a big deal of him going to law school at night and passing the bar.

Is this because he’s a lesbian?

This is pretty much the exact opposite of correct on the lasagna front. While it’s okay when fresh from the oven, it improves on reheating when it becomes less soupy.

Because desecrating animal corpses is fucking gross and disturbing? Kids are watching this shit. I did a lot of weird shit as a kid, but watching assholes like this desecrate animal corpses for ad money wasn’t one of them.

I used to be a regular commenter over at the old Disqus but I couldn’t merge my account with my Kinja and thus I’m stuck in the greys. But yes, it’s definitely a ghost town here

And also, shouldn’t animal memories be different from humans? I mean, to me all poodles look pretty much the same, but not all humans.

Arkangel prevented mom from ever learning how to parent and how to have that sort of conversation, so the fix isn;t that easy. It’s the same thing for parents who have au pairs and nannies raise their kid. They never learn to actually parent and thus never think of the “easy” solution.

But now I want to see Kiran Sonia Sawar in more things, so there’s that.

(Dis)Honourable mention goes to Kinja.

I can see there being a discussion for someone whom you actually know. She’s been friends with CK for decades, it’s up to her to decide if she wants to forgive him for this and get past it for the sake of their friendship.

So, to clarify, can Pikachu actually speak, or is this a delirium conjured up by 10-year-old Ash Ketchum’s dying mind?

Yeah, I’m sure it was ultimately budget that spurred that (especially since it was one of the earlier episodes). But a lot of effective stylistic choices have historically come from the need to save on production costs.

Confounded but also jealous AF.

I really thought they were going to start making out with each other.

We know that Louis’s victims were bullied into staying silent, and that this silence allowed CK to victimize other woman. My question is whether Jon and others knew this was happening, or at least appreciated it could be happening? Did they know their loyalty (or willing ignorance) was adversely affecting these women?

Featuring Sardo as a pretentious filmmaker who casts himself in the role of a brilliant writer who will save the world.

This will be a great opportunity for its creators to get revenge on M. Night Shyamalan by ripping off one of HIS movies.

The quick admission of guilt immediately after the times story IS good for the victims. No question about it. Granted it would have been 10x as admirable for Louis to come clean without there being a story in the NYT but still: this is good for the victims, and it was the right thing for him to do at this point, no

Well first I’d say thank you to the women who stepped forward to speak to the NYT and thus forced Louis’ hand. This would not have happened otherwise. He would have done Colbert, his movie would have come out, and life would have continued on.