Scarlet Letter

It’s a nice device. I sound like a shill when I tell people about it but it really is that good.

It’s a nice device. I sound like a shill when I tell people about it but it really is that good.

For me it’s definitely Kinja. It’s just more of a hassle to join and follow comments compared to Disqus. I feel trapped in greys forever. Which is a shame, because I really enjoyed the Mr. Robot commentariat. Really helped me pick up on some nuances of the show.

Whenever you sneeze I will reply with “Really, it’s come to this?”

It reminded me more of how The Master depicted what I imagine Scientology auditing being a lot like.

you forgot to add: “People think they’re being good parents as long as their kids are quiet”

He removes the top of his skull like Johanna Wellick.

I would like to note that I am not a part of the site or kinja. I’m just compiling some info to send to tech in the hopes of helping move things along. I’ve been noting long-time commenters who I recognize, but who are unapproved, but that is beyond tedious.

I was more thinking the child would have Dany’s dragon genes and Jon’s muscly arm(s)...