Everything but the Suunto.
Everything but the Suunto.
Reposado and añejo (aka "gold") tequila is aged in oak barrels, too.
Can a schizophrenic cat actually brilliantly burn a person? Idk.
When I was a surgical intern, a biker dude in his 60s came in one night to the ER. To cut to the chase, he was "messing around" and got a bottle of hair mousse (the aersol-y, foamy kind) stuck up his butt. He was pretty reticent to share details how it got up there. My buddies and me spent 2+ strenuous hours with…
I would have guesstimated his velocity at about 2 m/s. Really fast runners (on ground) can do 10 m/s.
And ~98%+ of the mass of any plant comes from the air and water, not the soil. All of life is just chemically converted CO2 and H2O... with a few trace elements thrown in. Sometimes people ask "When a bruise goes away, where does it go?" Interestingly heme breakdown involves carbon monoxide end-products. So all of us…
I used to be a bill collector at an automated call center. We'd work different accounts/companies throughout the day... credit cards, store cards like Macy's, etc. I worked in an area where we made calls to people who were 30 to 60 days late. We were basically the first line of defense against going really late in…
I'm a Times New Roman in the streets and a Wingdings in the sheets.
For example, the International Space Station (ISS) has an orbital speed of roughly 17,000 miles per hour which is 7,600 miles per second. Muzzle velocities range from about 120 miles per second to about 1,200 miles per second, depending on the gun.
If we were millions of years old, we'd think "Wow, sure is a lot cooler than it used to be 'round here."
89 is a perfectly normal blood glucose. The people behind this app must not be doctors. Also, a 2.6 white count is perfectly fine too.
Want to live longer? Exercise. Eat a balanced diet. Don't take supplement/vitamins willy-nilly. Floss daily. Don't smoke. Don't use alcohol to excess. Get enough sleep.
One situation where going ballistic is actually a good thing.
That's just, like, their opinion, man.
What is the sound a rabid warthog makes when farting, Alex?
I taw a puddy, and a tat, once.
And God said...
∇•D = ρ
∇•B = 0
∇×H = J + ∂D/∂t
∇×E = −∂B/∂t
... and there was light.
Genesis 1:3
Bottom pic of the acrylic are Lichtenburg figures.
Mother trucker!
Is this Gizmodo's first dick shot ever (see male cadaver above on left)?
The last time I ran a 5K in Nashville, we had the little bands you put around your shoe laces to track your time. I finished right at about 25 minutes according to my wristwatch. When the results were printed later, it showed I had a time of 32 minutes. Only later when I was looking at post-race photos did I realize I…