
If a tech blog is going to criticize the President-Elect’s web site, one expects things to be discussed like:

I bet the creators of Dallas are really happy there was no internet in 1979.

Actually the issue stems from the trailer Brakes. By default when you have air brakes on a Trailer they are locked when there is no pressure. To unlock brakes or release a trailer from breaking you apply air pressure. If you have a leak or any issues in the lines the rear trailer brakes will continue to lock up. When

What per say you?

like your mom

How does the old saying go? Something like:

Good article, but you left out the best part.

This is the first one of these ads I have seen in a while. Just one minor issue - why the FUCK is this spam shit in the black, while I still live in the grey? How in the hell is this stupid fucking system working anyway?

That wasn't a hateful comment. Go back and read what he wrote. I tire of the belief that unless one receives news with an insipid grin and a raging erection he must be full of hate.

it's People!

in case anyone hasn't seen it yet:

Come on statistics, show me some error bars. Let me see some standard error of the mean, or at least standard deviation. Something tells me "number of chips vs. number claimed" is rarely significantly different, based on that graph.

The question is, what happens when it gets to 14.67 miles per hour?

Robert Forward's novel Dragon's Egg describes an expedition to a neutron star, and discovery of life on its surface.

So much for the slow boat to China.

Aronofsky ? Who copied Vincent Ward in 'What Dreams May Come' ?

She's a purdy mouth.