Surely these dealers know that the “Supercar Impulse Buy” is a thing?
Surely these dealers know that the “Supercar Impulse Buy” is a thing?
If they poop, the Zombies in “The Walking Dead” poop, too. Everybody poops!
“Eric and Donald Jr. are too unsettling, inbred-looking...”
Funny you’d mention this, as someone said this about Obama’s children a few years back, too, as I recall.
Ah, the groin era. That was right after the Taint Epoch.
Some people around here use the most niggardly definition possible for a word; “thug” can mean many different things. It really takes the gaiety out of a situation if people are always questioning you and parsing every single syllable to whatever-splain you. Casts a chill over discourse in a way that not even burning…
Reggie Miller scored 8 points in 9 seconds one time. So theoretically you ought to be able to put up 39 points in 44 seconds. In other words, Texas A&M still underachieved.
Oh crap. I’ve used the in-shoe method numerous times. Go with gusto.
Well shit, the reflector dish is all wrong. The exhaust vents in the rear are more well proportioned in the ultimate LEGO edition. Plus, we had landing gear! Beautiful landing gear. As LEGO is wont to do, their “spatial cues” are more on-point in their edition. I put the ultimate edition together; I’m biased. About…
Just like the only punctuation he uses in his email correspondence, Brady put a big exclamation point on the game with his last-second touchdown pass!
Can a schizophrenic cat actually brilliantly burn a person? Idk.
I used to be a bill collector at an automated call center. We'd work different accounts/companies throughout the day... credit cards, store cards like Macy's, etc. I worked in an area where we made calls to people who were 30 to 60 days late. We were basically the first line of defense against going really late in…
I'm a Times New Roman in the streets and a Wingdings in the sheets.
The last time I ran a 5K in Nashville, we had the little bands you put around your shoe laces to track your time. I finished right at about 25 minutes according to my wristwatch. When the results were printed later, it showed I had a time of 32 minutes. Only later when I was looking at post-race photos did I realize I…
He is literally a highly specific purveyor of adverbs.
How big a chunk of neutronium would you need for the gravity of that chunk to keep the exploding force of degeneracy pressure at bay?
I demand a recunt.
Take a reasonable level of intelligence, factor in an inflated sense of self, and multiply it all by a complete lack of subtlety... and you've got the makings for an excellent attorney!
in all honesty the solution to this problem cries out for some sort of optimal burger-holding device.