Onanists burn rubbers, too.
Thanks Chuck Norris for letting us use your GoPro!
Not sure how to couch this... but that's plane crazy! Matt, do you even know the history of aviation? Well I do. I've studied it.
Also, alcohol and benzodiazepines help. Now that's science.
Looks like he works out.
I wonder if a person is strong enough to lift that boulder given the comet's weak gravity. That'd be pretty cool to see if so.
Sometimes all you really need is a friendly blonde guy. Who'll help you up.
For better or worse we live in an era where a single degree of temperature rise is always graphically represented as changing from "cool blue" to "red hot." We have nowhere to go but pink, people!
This time sucks.
"If you find a new class of particles, that really would add a new chapter to physics."
Or at least add a new section to the "Fundamental Particles" chapter. Also it would add a new entry for the index and require a modification to the table of contents.
You have to assume a propulsion system sufficient & advanced enough to apply 9.8 m/s/s acceleration for a year. Theoretically, something like a Brussard ramjet could do this. We can approach light speed rapidly with small projectiles (like protons). Very large projectiles require much more energy, but with sufficient…
It takes about one year accelerating at 1 G (9.8 m/s/s) to get close to light speed. At that point, you could just keep on accelerating at 1 G and cover some incredible distances in what would appear to be very short times. Of course, it would take many years of travel time to decelrate at 1 G depending on how close…
Not a different dimension, just a different universe in the multiverse.
I remember this one time in this one movie this guy farted and it was super-loud and like super-long and I was all like "Yeah that's impossible, no one could let such a massively loud & long fart." And then I told all my bros about it.
By the way, the medical condition here (besides being acerebellar) is called hydrocephalus ex vacuo.