
The kid yanked the cat's tail, the baby got a minor swipe from the claws (did not need medical attention btw), and the negligent dad, who allowed his baby to pester a sharp, clawed animal kicked the cat as "punishment" for the scratch after the kid was out of danger which set of the feline rampage.

Oh, you mean "unprovoked" as in the baby DIDN'T pull the cat's tail, which is what provoked the scratch in the first place? Did you even watch the video?

"This is why it drives me insane when my MIL lets her fucking cat—who goes outside and fights with raccoons and god knows what else—go near my 4 month old baby "

The baby pulled the cat's tail, the cat then swatted the baby. That's according to the video at the linked article (the article itself doesn't mention the tail-pulling).

Ecxept, no, it wasn't unprovoked:

An animal whose owners admit has a history of violent behavior was allowed unsupervised near their baby and reacted violently to having its tail pulled. I'm not making assumptions, this is what the father said. They knew their cat was violent and unpredictable, but allowed it access to their baby. The baby pulled the

I don't fault the owner for kicking the cat, but this is why people need to think long and hard about having pets when they have or will have children. Himalayans are known to be needy little shits. Sweet as pie, but if you don't give them the proper affection, they will NOT respond well. They were bred to be lap

I'm a parent, and we had 2 cats at the time my daughter was born. You don't leave cats alone with babies, period. They have a tendency to like to sleep on warm things, and while we think it's funny or sweet to wake up with kitty on our face, the same thing can asphyxiate an infant who is incapable of moving the cat.

If you go to the first link, you a) can hear audio and b) discover that the kid pulled the cat's tail. So we've got a 7 month old who doesn't know not to pull a cat's tail (not a surprise) and a cat who reacted as an animal would if its tail were pulled (scratching the child). I don't know what the "sensible" response

Team Cat.

Well, not all cats eat babies. I mean, my cat is obsessed with my 7-month-old. Like, thinks of him as his kitten. But if you're a person that kicks cats, I have to say that it's probably your fault if your cat thinks of a human baby as an enemy.

Call me crazy, but the only thing I take away from this is: poor cat. Why did the father even let the cat near his 7 month old baby? More like shitty parenting. Not to mention, there are proper ways to discipline a cat, which do not include kicking it hard in the back. For a cat to lose it like that, I can assure you

It's just a suggestion, but you could maybe just try not kicking your fucking cat in the future when it doesn't act and make decisions like a tiny, furry adult human being.

If you've got availability, I'm willing to offer something in the range of 50 dollars and I will purchase your... inflight snack?

As a non-rich, non-celebrity, I would do it for, like, $50K and airfare. Call me, Mr. Lugner!

My mom says hair dye changed everything. Good hair coloring made everyone look younger and totally changed expectations of what someone should look like at a certain age. What kills me is how old people looked, even 50 years ago. I was looking at my parents' 1965 wedding photos - my grandmother looked so lovely in her

Mamie Van Doren thinks this is non-news.

I refer to this phenomenon as 3/4 of an orgasm, like, I ALMOST got there, intensity was on the rise, but then I heard the baby in the next apartment start fucking CRYING and it removed me from the PROCESS. Distractions kill my mood sometimes. And, damn, does that put a damper on things.

Maybe I'm just feeling cynical this morning, but to me this reads like an attempt to keep cashing in on women's sexual insecurities now that we're at the point of empowering women to pleasure themselves (well, starting to, anyway). Like, "oh, anyone can come, but can you FOURTH LEVEL POWERSLAM ULTRA PLEASUREDOME

Is there a level 0 or perhaps -1, the kind that just mysteriously *goes away*, like when you have to sneeze and then you just don't?