
The OED is not exactly the standard for common English usage among all English speaking people.

As someone 4 years your senior, it is so weird to me to hear that people younger than me have teenage kids.

Its "pinafore dress" here in the states, too. Or at least it used to be... "Pinafore" actually just implies the dress part, as well, so it doesn't need the added descriptor of "dress."

That whole description confused me, too. As a clothing designer, I was all "Wait, a structured bodice with a pinafore *skirt*? Does not compute." Then I realized she just meant a pinafore DRESS.

So, I grew up down the street from a gorgeous cemetery, and being a goth kid, I staged many a photo shoot on its hallowed grounds. Granted, my dad was buried there, so I had some kind of ownership rights... And also the internet didn't exist then so I couldn't appropriate a global tragedy for my own selfish vanity...

Right, dummy-friend, refer to the edit I made 41 minutes ago.

Ralph Nader ran in 2000, not 2004.


Just came here to post the same thing.

It still makes no sense, though. If he wasn't supposed to find out about the drug use, then why let them go hogwild with his credit card of which he could plainly see the statements? Wouldn't seeing £100s of thousands of pounds worth of purchases that HE didn't make be sort of a tip off? I mean, Nigella could only lie

I don't understand the logic behind this:

I keep reading this headline as "The Sexist Man Alive" and I'm all, yeah, sounds about right.

I'm definitely in the "it doesn't have to happen every time for me to enjoy myself" camp. But that's not what I came here to say...

I came here to enjoy the Tom Hiddleston image porn, but this post made me want to actually reply.

I had Norovirus last January. I caught it 2 hours after my boyfriend came down with it. It was... A bonding experience, to say the least. We are engaged now, so clearly, puking together for two days straight is the tie that binds.

This post is timely. Sort of. Norovirus has just broken out in one of the dorms at Stanford. Ok, not mono, but highly nasty and highly contagious.

The role of Sigourney Weaver in the film was, for me, a tip of the hat to the idea that sometimes, women can have the same oppressive and normative influence on other women as men can. Sisterhood, schmisterhood, the Weaver character wants to get ahead and will do absolutely anything to do it. Just because she's a

First thing that came to mind.

Yeah, I never had tampons in my house growing up, and I'm white. My mother *hated* them, thought they were massively uncomfortable, and therefore when my sister and I hit puberty, we only had pads. In fact, to this day, I prefer pads. Tampons do feel weird to me, and never really "settle in" so I can't feel it. I'm