
Well, they need a bit of a morale boost after those terror attacks...

First off, it’s spelled Wichita, not Witchita. Don’t worry, it’s a common misspelling.

Kind of related: I worked in a nursing home for 10 years. There were times when residents were on their way out, and asking for their family, and they refused to come be with them. I was in my late 20's then, and I had a hard time understanding this, but now, at the end of my 50's, I get it. 

So, in my neighborhood this dude freaked out when his girlfriend tried to break up with him, held her hostage, cops came, he led them on a high speed chase which ended in suicide by cop... his family without getting permission or asking anyone erected a huge rock memorial with a plaque at the entrance of our running

I could not possibly love this more! I want this woman to be my BFF. My POS father is around the same age and in poor health, but sadly, no cancer. He lacks a criminal record, but is an abuser, sexist, racist who mooched off my mother (who enabled him). He only spoke to me when he was screaming at me about how

“Thank you to those that have offered sincere condolences, understanding and prayers for our family, your words bring comfort. I am happy for those that simply do not understand, this means you had good parent(s) — please treasure what you have.”

You’re so right. The killers in murder suicides or who get taken out by the cops after shooting up a bank/theatre/library, etc.,  aren’t they always inevitably - and in spite of all evidence to the contrary - “honor students”, “such a quiet guy”, and “planning to go to college [age/ existence of high school diploma

Everyone of the true cognoscenti, of course. But not so much the hoi polloi lurking online.

I really thought about doing something similar when my dad died. My father was a narcissist and an alcoholic. He’d had several strokes and was horrible to just about everyone in the family. He made my 15 year old son cry when he called him a loser. He accused us of stealing from him. He’d call at 3am to tell us he

I approve. My father would probably have a funeral because some people still like him, but I will not attend it or pretend he was a good guy.

My grandmother died a couple of years ago from cancer. She was sick in the end stage at home for about five months and I refused to go see her. Everyone told me I’d regret it. When she died, I didn’t go to the funeral and everyone told me I’d regret it. I don’t regret either one. She stood there and literally watched

“Although I appreciate everyone’s concern, it would have been much more appreciated at any time during my childhood.”

This is my personal favorite. From the Sedona Community Cemetery, Sedona, Arizona. And it is real.

Reading that was cathartic and I empathize with the daughter. I was abused as a kid and I’m currently trying to negotiate and grapple with both loving my parents and being angry with them. They pretty much refuse to acknowledge the damage and hurt they inflicted and just deflect and guilt trip. It is not helpful when

I admire this family for their honesty. A lot of families in similar situations who go through the charade of pretending the deceased was a nice person when their life ends and in some respects that can be painful and disrespectful to the victims.

You know, when I am meeting with members of our global team, I always take five minutes to Google customs of the country in question. It takes five literal minutes and it helps me avoid looking like a stupid idiot. And I’m just a finance scrub. I’m not the president, and I put more effort into fostering

Hello. I’m not American. Can someone tell me why America thought it was a good idea to make a functionally illiterate man with severe personality disorders the President of the United States of America?

you have to try it, before you buy it

“born-again” virgin