
Btw, this whole conversation reminds me that every time some old person is found dead alone in their houses in the city where I live, the public debate centres on urban loneliness or bad children. I always think ‘maybe she abused her children’ or ‘maybe he chose it’.

My father died two years ago. He was a self-centered, emotionally abusive dad (especially mean to my little brother - threw him out as a teenager). But a good grandfather to my kids. I love my stepmother and took quite a lot of care of them for the years he was ill. But it was really hard trying to act like we are a

Probably denied the breast too early. Angry ever since.

Does she know he has one?

Not a serious issue, of course, but even as far away as here in Scandinavia, my academic colleagues are rescheduling meetings, conferences and cooperations to avoid having to travel to the US. Makes no sense having conferences where ten percent of the attendees will not be able to come. I was going to travel to the

Yeah, I must say this does not seem right, at all. Is it a case of Americans not getting British sarcasm?

Yeah, that is actually a punishment I would consider. At least it makes more logical sense than spanking.

I would never consider placenta vegan, but if the question is ‘can a vegetarian eat placenta’ the answer depends on the reasons for your vegetarianism. If it’s because your body can’t handle meat it’s very different from if it’s because you want to be nice to the animals/nature/the environment. But really... placenta.

Seriously? So you believe it is pure coincidence that the Scandinavian countries, where this kind of childrearing has been mainstream for decades (and hitting children is illegal), have youth delinquency, youth drug abuse etc. declining for the same decades?

Look forwards to him getting older, it gets more fun! ♡

Talk, guide, discuss, talk.

Well, I suppose I might say to him sometimes something along the lines of ‘no, I am still angry and upset so I don’t want to go to all that trouble and make you supper, do it yourself’. That is a kind of a punishment I guess. And I do use my temper and emotions to guide them in a way that might border on emotional

I do not see how hitting a child for running towards traffick will help? My daughter did that av couple of times, I ran after her and grabbed her. I cried from the shock and fear, she got it.

I’m not sure what you refer to with ‘no punishments no rewards’, but I can, as av mother of two, assure you that punishments and rewards are not ‘naturally occuring consequences’. If my child breaks a window while playing fotball in the livingroom, the natural consequences are that I am uptset, we have less money for

Spanking is abuse. Not to the same degree as hitting etc., but still abuse. There’s a reason it is illegal in many countries. And it does. Not. Work.

The first picture: they are all beautiful and look like they are having fun. But imagine spending a whole party with your knees firmly together and your back straight like that? Torture.

So... isolationism. Will he call back the soldiers as well, or only the means we in the rest of the world have of talking to you guys?

Haha, I guess you read other behavioural research than I do ;-) Anyhow, I’m totally happy living on solid, non-earthquace-prone ground in a country where people keep weapons for hunting, not defence. Never touched a gun in my life.

I tell them apart by remembering a dumb boy in my elementary school class that explained that the symbols were chosen because girls are shy and cross their hands in front of them, while boys are strong and rise their arm in victory. I knew at the time that he was wrong, but was too shy to speak up...