That makes you a deist.
That makes you a deist.
And they eat babies. Don't forget they eat babies.
Let's all play nice? Grow the fuck up, lady.
Simply put, if you don't believe in God, you're an atheist.
You should stop in for the ones where they denounce homosexuality and birth control. Those are much more entertaining.
You're describing social organizations, not religion.
You misunderstand both.
depends on how you define god. These metaphysical arguments always degrade into semantics. Too many people talking past one another
And eating babies. Don't forget they also eat babies b
To each his own, eh? Is that how these religious folks conduct themselves?
Yes. Perhaps all those gay people should just get over it.
Well, yeah? No shit. Who would want to talk to her. Or read about her..
Upon exiting a store after dark, I fire a warning shot into the air and swing a machete wildly until I reach my car. More often than not I will preemptively call 9-1-1 and report a violent rape whenever I see a suspicious looking man.
I'm anxiously anticipating her untimely death. My hope is that she chokes on her own vomit.
I'd feed that rabbit into a wood-chipper faster than you can say "animal rights".
Bullying isn't the problem; psychological health is. A well adjusted , mentally fit teen won't off themselves over stupid shit. Perhaps parents should do their jobs and monitor their childrens' health
Save your Orwellian doublespeak for your credulous friends. I left the church because of dishonesty like that. It's a shame you feel you must bear false witness to defend your traditions.