"My friends are judging me."
"My friends are judging me."
If you think a child wrote this, I have a bridge to sell you.
It suggests empowerment, not responsibility. Only a fool or a troll would think Massachussets is 'victim blaming'.
Nothing wrong with Chicago. I could do without the rest of the state. We consider downstate residents 'southerners' anyways. They even have the accent and the conservatism to back it up.
And you're an apologist for terrible parenting. So lovely to have you here.
Yes, her rotting corpse has found peace. That's a much better alternative to being alive and raising your children. Well done.
Don't forget her dog.
You should have payed attention in school.
I'm sure you're a peach.
You seem to be the common denominator b
And a good christian.
Nonsense. Women do everything in their power to make themselves powerless.
Your friend sounds like an idiot.
Hardly a surprise coming from a fundie. What also shouldn't be a surprise is fundamentalists, like this asshole, are given legitimacy by moderate and liberal christians, whom believe their flavor of nonsense is more defensible.
Purely subjective?
Correct. If anything, this god would female.
You have your own interpretation of scripture? Like everyone else? Congratulations.
They also use masculine pronouns, which suggests God has a penis. What does he use that for??
You're still part of the problem.