Scalar Feeled

So, they were useful? Unlike women?

Practice this one too- Bullshit.

You're blinded by the andropropoganda. You need to be deprogrammed.

I'll gladly have your cosmo, bitch.

He was a victim of gynocentrism

Yes, but you fail to see you're a victim of androcentrism, which makes your drink choice that much more tragic. You're so indoctrinated you don't even recognize the propaganda when your sipping it.

Whatever. You broads have more goddamn insecurities than there are stars in the heavens. How about just thinking for yourself and ordering what tastes good to you?? Or is THAT too androcentric for you?

It's Coming!!

Loved the vintage spot for the LAGLC with Ellen.

You mean women and their fee fees. That is what this page is for, no?

Yeah. An awful waste of time.

Well, yes, if you've poor taste in men. But many other women don't make your mistakes nor have these problems. Try life outside the gutter sometime.

It's easier than defending her arguments.

Apparently you forgot about the holocaust? we live in a fucking nightmare. You haven't even begun to understand just how sad it is.

It hasn't begun despite your fantasizing about such attention. don't flatter yourself. It will never happen.

Yeah, but that dangerous side was really irresistible in the beginning, despite everyone telling her it was a bad idea. What do they know?!

All of them. Because they're sociopaths, just like you.

Yes, and that will be a man's fault as well.

The thigh gap. One more thing for self-styled thinkers a to to gluten free over.

I'm sure you'd be as equally permitting of sites that's express hatred for women. Makes total sense. Let's allow jew hating to occur too, with impunity while we're at it. I love your cynical logic.