Scalar Feeled

What a load of rubbish. Quite frankly, loving whom you wish to love and living how you wish is PRECISELY the problem with controlling the spread of this disease. How remarkably reckless to make such a stupid statement. Discipline is the key to prevention. What a vapid cunt.

Well, it's really both. The attitudes and positions are driven by an irrational fear of anything homosexual, real or perceived. How manifest these fears become in their rhetoric and action determines whether or not it's bigotry. I'd say the larger problem is the irrational beliefs that support or indoctrinate these

The anger is all on your side of the table, sweetheart. If you want to defend bigotry with your relativistic arguments, that's your choice.

Yes, the Catholic Church is consistent in its view of sexuality if you're referring to the protection of child rapists in its employment. Surely this organization must be commended for its ability to rapidly forgive all clergy for their heinous crimes and transfer them to new parishes before any suspecting parents

I understand you're being obscurantist. And I persist because you're wrong.

Symbols aren't voting for homophobic congressman, whom pass anti-gay legislation-christians are, and expressly so for that purpose. Although I suppose you'll deny this because you apparently live under a rock.

I shit on childish ideas, developed millennia before you were ever born. If you must identify yourself with such nonsense, that's your problem.

Yes, I have positions I accept based on plausibility and scientific evidence. I believe things based upon reason. I have rational positions, which are subject to revision when new evidence is presented.

The only lifting I like to do!

As I said- congratulations for being statistically anomalous. Your continued confusion about the bigoted majority of your comrades may be alleviated with cursory inquiry of polling information. Quit being an apologist for the very thing you despise and acknowledge the obvious problem with your superstitious

Get out of the classroom and experience Christianity first hand. In its practice, in their words. Perhaps you'd get an education on what real christians actually believe. It's eye opening to see such raw irrationality. You'd no doubt be surprised.

I understand it well. I hear the quietest of you christians offering your tacit support through your inaction and passivity. Fuck everyone of you too timid to stand up against hatred. That's not you? Well congratu-fucking-lations. You obviously don't depend on doctrine and scripture for your morality. Perhaps it's

I see laws, passed by politicians, voted in by people, won over by anti- gay arguments. I see hundreds of campaign speeches laced to hatred, spoken to thousands of cheering red-faced self described christians. Hundreds of millions of Americans. You're free to act as though this isn't reality because it offends your

You're moderate theological argument has no practical value in a world of religiously driven homophobia. In fact, your ridiculous beliefs kind of disqualify you from any rational discussion. You are aware that rotting corpses don't come back to life, no? Or are you going to wax poetic about the inspiring value a of a

One more reason to leave Christianity, you moderate tools. Try as you may to ignore it, Christianity is universal in its opposition to homosexuality. You're complicit in it. Shed your faith. It's not like you really believe that bullshit, anyways.

Fingers crossed. She's a perfect fit for the show.

"Yes, of course! Where else would I get married!?"

"Another male heir, no doubt. What treasonous, black magic does this Katherine possess?"

presumably your an emotionally mature adult capable of dealing with reality. If you feel you must censor yourself from the horrors of humanity, consider refraining from online discussion forums. Your disgust and shock should be reserved for the bigotry and hatred that led to this man's murder, rather than being

He never was good with technology