Revis & Butthead

“the recording was made last Friday, when she and her son were at a trampoline park.”

Penn State has a long history of pressuring people to do things before they’re ready. 

The tendon is often replaced with one from a cadaver. Which means Quinn Cook might miss next season too.

Oscar Pistorius competed in the Olympics. And that guy has NO calves. 

One of the foursomes used to be a fivesome. 

No child left behind. Except for the ones that should’ve been dropped off at the pool, instead.

I’m sure there’s a couple Mavericks employees who could describe, in incredibly graphic detail, exactly what Noel did to himself.

“Put the hole in the bag, man. Every time.”

It seems fitting that when Boswell was booted, he sailed wide right.

This guy has yet to make it through 12 steps, let alone an entire staircase. 

I was always told not to feed dogs people food.

Agent: My client, a player for the Cleveland Browns, steadfastly denies being a part of something so incredibly heinous.

Mark Sanchez has studied this photo for several hours. And that was before he knew there was a question about missing legs.

I’d call Jerry two-faced, but let’s be honest, he must be on this seventh or eighth face by now.

Good to see that Tim Tebow isn’t the only one walking around with single A written all over him.

The Australians are simply used to their toilet water draining the opposite way down the walls.

That’s the thing about fedoras. They almost always end up looking fucking ridiculous.

What we’re saying is, ‘Black lives matter, too.’ Period.

Serves him right. His poor belt has been supporting two extra people for years.

Goose Gossage: [watches Jose Bautista video]