Ma Vaffanculo

Did he ever want to make bad men fly?

Don't worry. The map will say it's 12.


Only 4.94? She should have made sure the length was at least 8. Ideally, 9 or above ;)

On a personal level, too, I got many reactions. On my Facebook, from my friends. It makes me feel satisfied about my work – at least the work I did is so impactful that I'm able to shed some light on this.

I've started a comment at least 8 times. I don't know what to say. I'm for artistic expression, but any moral compass would tell you this is 100% the glamorization of a brutal and horrifying crime. I'm also personally bothered by the fact that this stereotypically shows men as violent monsters. This is just wrong from

Fuck this. Fuck this whole thing. Fuck all these people.

That sucks. So I guess when I go get mine done I should state that they can use my picture but please change it to "piñata party gone wrong".

A similar thing happened to a friend of mine. She was incarcerated for methamphetamine possession. While incarcerated she got into a bad scrap and had to have dental surgery because her teeth were so rotten. Her correctional officer a Mr. Healy was a real jerk and wrote in her case that she had "meth mouth". She's

Google Image search needs to have a warning process for shit like that. You click search and if the results are completely disgusting, a message pops up that says "ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THIS ONE? BECAUSE THERE IS SOME FUCKED UP SHIT HERE." And then you can decide if you want to proceed.

"[Firth] has a briefly seen, occasionally mentioned fiancée named Olivia (Catherine McCormack), who is a fellow skeptic and an intellectual peer, meaning that she has no chance with him."

"I liked that Mommy!" Badass!

Lets all get together and beat him up for you.

Sigh. The first time I attempted anal he assumed liquid dial would work just as well as lube. *SPOILER ALERT*


I have a tattoo on my navel that says "Cardi Life". You'll never see it though because of the layers of sweaters.

How do you not remember him from Mullholland Drive?

She's kind of a trouble maker... not so sure.

this kind of attitude is so shortsighted, it's fucking unreal. True story: I get emails from headhunters and recruiters very frequently. I've turned down all offers I received this year, bc I intended to take maternity leave and so didn't want to switch jobs. My company BENEFITTED from my pregnancy, bc ny offering