Ma Vaffanculo

I was at a Janeane Garofalo show many years ago and tons of people walked out. Comedy shows are so expensive that I can’t imagine doing that, but I also don’t buy tickets for comedians that I don’t like. Duh.

Oh Lena. I've stuck up for you so many times. I just ... I don't know what to ... I give up.

That was my point. Sorry if it didn't come across. I've seen this sort of comment on Lululemon stories, etc., arguing that it's totally fine for a store to size discriminate, even though those commenters typically can shop just about *anywhere*, because Lane Bryant doesn't carry their size, so it's fair. I'm saying it

About time. I don't even wear plus-size and I'm all for this. Except that now all those bitches who post reverse-discrimination comments on any story about plus-size fashion (or regular fashion being exclusionary) — the "but I'm thin and what if I wanted to wear something from Lane Bryant?" type whining — might

Just this morning I had to beg for vital info from a PR person for the umpteenth time. My experience with PR peeps is that they're either fantastic or totally fucking useless. But they all make a lot more money than I do.

Insurance companies also will drop you if you dare use their services, as I learned after a recent basement flood. They paid the claim and told us to get lost. Now I kind of wish I had exaggerated a bit about the extent of our losses! We didn't have to prove how much we spent on anything, just "Oh, four pairs of shoes

The last Christian wedding I went to — both bride and groom were children of missionaries — involved nearly three hours of praying and singing and God praising. After the wedding, which ended in the early evening, we headed across town to a reception hall, starving. We were treated to more praying along with

Is she intoxicated? Or just high on hate and cray-cray?

I completely agree with you about small children in the dog park. My very enthusiastic golden retriever knocked over a lot of kids when he was younger. Most parents — the ones with their own dogs anyway — were super chill about it. But once in a while I'd encounter non dog-owners with kids who'd want to hang out in

A few months ago, I hired a man in my neighborhood to do some yard work. I paid him well and treated him kindly. He turned out to be crazy. Late one night, he tried to stride right into my home through the back slider after asking me earlier that day if I had a husband and if he was gone a lot. Said husband was

Just curious: When exactly were we the freest country in the world?

"Big red stains on our clothes." Oh, so you saw me every month in junior high then? My flow was so heavy that I'd go through maxi pads faster than I could replace 'em. Eventually I learned to always have a sweatshirt around to tie around my waist. Honestly I wish men could just bleed out of an orifice once to gain

Nearly 20 years ago, I spent a year abroad in Italy, and even in the still very Catholic south, where my local boyfriend would sneak out the window of my hotel so as not to alert the owner to his overnight presence, you could buy condoms from a vending machine outside pharmacies. Shaming people is so stupid. I am

I have pretty much that same complexion and nobody has EVER called me sickly looking. Maybe it's because I have so many freckles that they meld into a faux tan?

The freelance work he lost out on was to the tune of many thousands of dollars, which was payback enough!

I still have the torn-out pages from his spread!!!

I had a guy stop in the middle of doin' it doggie-style, pull his pants back up and say, as he walked out my front door, "I'm sorry. I'm used to fucking strippers and this isn't working for me." He was referring to my pubic (and probably bum) hair, which he had already made several comments about. I am fair and even

Thanks for this info! I first learned about the pipeline on a forum about the Great Bear Rainforest, and I've tried to follow the story but my knowledge of the politics involved was limited. I couldn't agree more with your statement about "greedy, anti-science, anti-native pieces of human garbage." And I sincerely

From a recent book on Grand Canyon deaths: "Of 55 who have accidentally fallen from the rim of the canyon, 39 were male. Eight of those guys were hopping from one rock to another or posing for pictures, including a 38-year-old father from Texas pretending to fall to scare his daughter, who then really did fall 400

I meant the sweaters were made on behalf of the gov't (or so I thought) for the Olympics. I realize the festival is on private grounds, but it seems like progress, like people are finally getting it. Then again, Northern Gateway Pipeline passed the first phase of approval despite heavy protests from First Nations, so