Ma Vaffanculo

But she really only has a few facial expressions.

Vegas's in the 80s and 90s was the greatest for kids. Arcades in every casino! Rides and carnival games at Circus Circus! Siegfried and Roy! Ridiculous swimming pools with waterfalls/lazy rivers/slides! Good times.

I grew up in Vegas and contrary to popular belief it was a great place to grow up! Outside of the Strip it's pretty plain and we had built in cheap fun on the weekends what with all the buffets and indoor amusement parks!

Vegas has never cracked my Top 300 places I'd like to visit. If I ever were to get married and friends wanted to take me somewhere for a party, it better be Prague in January. Best place in the world!

Um, did you just imply hippos are not graceful?

I hear that, but I suspect Ikea and CB2 are working with the more intense shelters with plenty of rules, rather than straight-up animal control, which ought to help.

I find it incredibly interesting that throughout all of this, she's consistently failed to mention that UT-Austin didn't reject her outright. They offered her a chance to attend one of its system campuses (UT-Dallas was floated as the best option), earn at least a 3.2 GPA during her freshman year (she maintained a

Every time I see her, this is all I think of:

I just want to go home and hug my doggy now.

All gaze upon the cuteness that is my doggy.


I feel lucky they allow me to have legs :/

The GOP's bill also thoughtfully grants women the right to "keep your damn legs closed, you filthy harlots."

And before people start computer-splaining about how these companies use an automated system to deal with reports, you can hold your breath. We already know. That system is fucked up. If companies like Facebook can manage to come up with software that knows to spam you with ads for baby clothes right at the time you

Joyce Carol Oates will be relieved to know my domestic feline has defeated anorexia.

Rural Alberta can be a strange place, as in "Deliverance" strange. I drove through recently, and stopped at what I took for a small, friendly town for gas (pump first, pay later!). Then I went to the diner to try to eat, but was stopped cold by a sign on the door: "Lost cat! We think he's been kidnapped! $5000 reward

I'm glad your parents were helpful to you, and totally understand helpful but annoying parents. Both our families were on good behavior when everyone got together, but it was... interesting. Our mothers are incredibly similar, down to family background (our maternal grandfathers actually knew each other back in the

Happy anniversary!

On behalf of all yoga-farters, I sincerely apologize. This is why I yoga alone in the old people corner of the gym. With the old dude (I'm pretty sure he is actually a leprechaun) who wear short-shorts and does 45 minutes of disturbingly energetic squats and kicks. He gets ALL THE FARTS.

Sigh. The video actually makes the point that you can be the best according to your genetics. That actually means that some people, even when they're fit might look fat to your particular standards - but sure, go ahead and distill it into a pithy hashtag.