Ma Vaffanculo

I don't hover. If there's a toilet that's clean, I use it. If there's not, I take one for team humanity and clean it up. I'm a microbiologist, I got over the OMG!BACTERIA a long time ago.

Someone tried saying the same about Gary Busey, but he's got a more creepy vibe.

I see what you're saying. I do think that she looks so relaxed and happy because she's being pampered like a queen, though :)

Burn me at the stake if you will, but I still don't want to see your breastfeeding photos on Facebook.

The dispatcher was actually influenced by the lesser known honey badger moon. It causes one to not give a fuck.

Holy shit. Never have the words "clicked anyway, was not disappointed" been more appropriate, brava!

Thank you for your tireless dedication to journalism, sir.

"Respect must be earned" is the great lie of the boomer generation. Try respecting everyone as a default. It'll pay off.

No, of course not.

They aren't refusing to fuck you because you have no money. It's because of your shitty personality.

including a live-in stint in the early '80s with Liam Neeson

"spurned marriage and children for much of her career."

My dog was dumped in a public park. A woman who walking her dog saw a pick-up truck pull into the park, dump him, and when he tried to get back into the truck she saw the driver kick him, shut the door, and leave him whimpering. This was an early January day in Maryland. She couldn't leave him, because she's a good

1) The New York Post is not run by "journalists." It's a glorified tabloid run by the untrained.

It was very frustrating to be a young man though and see the same alpha males get 90% of the casual sex

Okay, enough.

Yep, romantic comedies are fantasy. We know that The Sexiest Man Alive is not going to assault America's Sweetheart when they're on a poster that screams "meet cute." The people in the movies are in a world where it's all much simpler. People enjoy them for that reason.

Part of being a woman is being shamed for saying yes, and attacked for saying no. And guilty of something either way.

I've never written about this before, but a man asked me for directions downtown one night while I was walking alone, and I gave them. I pointed him in the direction he wanted to go and kept walking. He grabbed me, tried to kiss me and proceeded to drag me into an alleyway. I fought him, and got away just as he

I just keep thinking: will they believe us now? Is this finally the moment when men start to grasp the reality that women live in?