Ma Vaffanculo

Also, a veil. My mother made it very clear to me that it would be in bad taste for me to wear a veil for my second wedding. "Veils are for virgins," to which I replied, "Well, then I shouldn't have worn one to my first wedding, then."

What's wrong with a tiara? If travelboi and I ever get married, I am wearing a full-on crown, which is a Swedish tradition. If I had to grow up eating cod soaked in lye and all sorts of other horrible foods to celebrate my family's heritage, then I feel should I get to wear a fucking crown too.

And the chick from the Free People commercial was hired to "dance" "ballet." lol

SLEEVES! I love it just for this. I fully support the overthrow of the tyranny of the strapless wedding gown!

That's very pretty. I like the sleeves, the veil, the silhouette, pretty much everything. Third time's the charm for getting it perfect?

you're a real fuck of a human, you know that right?

Oh, stop. You're being needlessly mean. Grieving isn't a competition. It IS hard to see the reminders of senseless violence every day, especially for those of us with tender hearts.

"And I'm not even some 22 year old lossless virgin,"

"Yea well, women do kinda suck I'm not going to disagree with him there."

Thanks for this. I love the way I look now, and plan to go gray and embrace my wrinkles when the time comes and be a hot old dame and all that jazz, but the second age starts to meld my chin and neck together, I'm getting that shit tucked, zero fucks given.

I suspect he would have loved it. He left instructions on how sad he wanted people to be (weeping, wailing, rending garments, and gnashing teeth!) so the idea of me wearing all black, and a VEIL would have thrilled him. The parade would have been the icing on the cake. It was an extravaganza.

Thank you.
Reading e.e. was appropriate because he had a farm in NH, and died at our local hospital. The historical society, where my husband was the director, had some of e.e.'s paintings. Also - it was good for some uncontrollable sobbing.

Erica has so much she doesn't even need to hold any of it.

It's crazy that the popular aesthetic doesn't just stop at thin it demands bonelessness. Is there a photo-shopping tool for deboning? Would I be hotter if I was just a bendy, rubbery, sleeve of flesh?

I read that fucking e.e. cummings poem at my husband's funeral.

You should have picked Republican senator; it pays way better than either of those.

When I was deciding what I wanted to be when I grew up I should have picked tabloid journalist ("journalist") or weather person because with either one you can literally be wrong ALL THE TIME and still be employed.

Women love a hero. And Charlie is the Day Man, fighter of the Night Man. Ergo, women love Charlie.

Oh, for creep's sake.

I am a conventionally ugly woman who sometimes gets told what an ugly cunt I am by guys on the street, and who has been approached in bars by guys to tell me how ugly I am, or once by a guy who said he knew he had no chance with my beautiful friend but he was willing to settle for me (my friend threw her drink in his