Ma Vaffanculo

Check out NOVA's "Dogs Decoded" on Netflix to see a segment about the Russian foxes who were selected every generation for their tameness and affection for humans. I didn't realize it happened at a fur farm (so sad), but the segment was fascinating!

I've interviewed both celebs and regular folks for my job. Typically with famous people, you get a tiny amount of time. You're talking to someone who has been groomed carefully and who answers the same questions all day. It's hard to get into anything real in 10 or 15 minutes. You just end up asking the same ol'

According to the International Olympic Committee, skateboarding is not even a "recognized sport." But [insert lamest "sport" here] is?

Nope, I got it 100%.

Riiiiiiight. Because PETA's nasty tactics are representative of all vegans and vegetarians? And people who are offended by PETA's nasty tactics are vegan haters? Ok then.

I used to live on 58th! It was at the corner of 15th in the gas station parking lot. I think it's gone now.

I don't find it particularly creepy or "triggering" (though I'm not 100% sure what triggering means). I would be very startled if I drove by it, but not scared, though it's so realistic I'd worry about the poor sleepwalking man freezing to death. Ahhhhhhh, Art. I am very glad I went to UCSD, which has one of the most

I lived in Ballard and there was one on my corner. Lingerie, not bikini, but same diff. I've seen them elsewhere in North Seattle, which is not really the wilds of greater King County.

When we lived in Ballard, my visiting FIL would ignore the very good coffee I'd make every morning to hit up the lingerie barista on the corner. He'd always come back with the skeeviest look on his face. Ugh. I felt so bad for those girls serving coffee to pervy men while freezing in panties and bras. I hope my FIL

Huh. I was expected to be horrified but I think she looks lovely. She's young, which means she probably had an easier time shedding those last few pounds than other contestants. I guess I know a lot of naturally thin girls who are around the same size, so maybe it's skewed my interpretation of "underweight." Maybe she

It took me a long time to get to a healthy perspective. Although my parents believed me, the church counseled them not to talk to me about it as it would be traumatizing for me. I wish I'd gotten some professional therapy at the time rather than much later on. Still, it happened right when all those commercials were

He's long dead.

Thanks. I bet it happens so much more than even the experts believe. I wonder if pedophiles take comfort in the fact that there are so many pedophiles? In the end, I felt mostly pity for the guy who abused me, but he also wasn't winning the world's top accolades, he was just a pathetic old nobody. I can only imagine

As someone who has been molested — screw you Barbara Walters and all the other Woody advocates. Amazingly, every adult I told believed me when it happened to me. Because, like, why would I make something like that up? I grew up in a conservative, religious family — my abuser was from our church — and barely knew about

That's awesome. A professor friend of mine absentmindedly assigned a term paper due this morning and was taking bets on how many students would show for class or turn in their papers.

I can see the tippy tops of the Olympics through my home-office window on a clear day. Like today. Even the sun came out for the Seahawks!

And the food. THE FOOD!

Can I just add to the conversation to say I'm pretty sure most everyone ditched work today in Seattle. And those who didn't went to work extremely hungover but happy. And now our hottie Hawks on Jez. What a day.

The downside of paying with cash is not being able to return something without the receipt. At Target and other stores, they can swipe your card and look up purchases.

I was molested when I was 11 by a family friend from church and Dylan's account is eerily similar to mine. The way he spoke, the way he told me to turn over, the way he said in a "soothing" voice I had to keep this our secret because my daddy might get out his guns. Maybe a kid could make up a wild story in a bad home