Ma Vaffanculo

My husband got me hooked on beer. I never drank it before I met him and now I can't go a night without a deliciously hoppy double IPA. I clearly can blame him for my beer gut.

My husband looooooves my hair short. So does my mom. They both make sure to let me know when I grow it out that they prefer it short. But I get so bored when it's short. And it's my hair goddamit!!!!!!!!

Oh Italians can be serious racists, esp. when it comes to African immigrants.

I lived in Italy, and there were tons of African immigrants, and many Italians are quite racist and xenophobic about it. However, didn't they ask her specifically if she knew any Africans who might have committed the crime?

I would've fled the very second I knew a retrial was a possibility. Fuck Italy.

I think my taste for it started early during a childhood trip to Scotland. I was like 12 and they gave me samples at every distillery we visited.

Literally everything I've read about this case convinces me that Amanda is innocent yet every time there's news about her people say "I know she did it — her body language/devil eyes/cartwheels convince me!" (Evidence? A logical timeline? No?) It's so unbelievable to me. I live in Seattle and studied abroad in Italy

GO HAWKS! Seattle is in full 12th-man mode right now, as you can imagine.

So what is your go-to? Mine is Bulleit after I had it at a cool little bar on a trip to NYC. Or if my whiskey-lovin' uncle is buying, something much fancier.

Jim Beam Bourbon is passable mixed with ginger beer, a squeeze of lemon, and some bitters — or as a hot toddy. Because I live in Washington state where liquor taxes are through the roof, I am reluctant to drink nice hooch served anything but neat or in a very simple cocktail.

I had to Google the acronym: it's either Truth Be Told or Throwback Thursday. I'm gonna guess the first? I wake up so old everyday. Sigh.

She gets permission. She seems kind of harmless crazy and it's Seattle so people are very accommodating of offbeat behavior.

There is a lady at the dog park who collects hair from all the dogs and makes weavings with it — or so that's what everybody says (why on earth else would she be gathering it?). She is very odd.

The trashcan in my bathroom is now on top of a cabinet after my pooch kept eating every gross thing inside of it, especially used tampons. Thank goodness he never got a blockage. But finding rotting tampons in his poop was pretty nasty too. And once I had to pull a tampon by the string out of his butt. BAD DOG!

I wonder how much time Buzzfeed writers actually get to spend writing and not collecting gifs?

I don't love the song, but I'm gonna throw out a FUCK YEAH for the existence of an anthem about thrift shopping. My husband didn't understand why an afternoon at the Goodwill ranks among my favorite pastimes until I filled up our house with cool stuff on the super cheap.

I hardly ever plucked but my brows are still blond (white?) and few and far between. Oh how I long for beautiful brows. It's the only part of my face that really bothers me. Eyebrow implants sound horrifying, however. I'll stick to pencil, powder and bangs.

I am a regular stoner. I smoked out with my husband exactly once before we agreed that he would never partake again. He was so agitated and paranoid and actually accused me of sleeping with his dad (the provider of bud) when we both happened to be out of the room at the same time. I'm so glad that weed just makes me

I thought it was the AHS that's on set? They're the ones who supply the "no animals were harmed" line. The Times ran a big story about problems with animal safety on set back in April, when yet another horse died on some HBO show, and I seem to recall that the AHS wasn't doing a very good job.

I worry for my two little nieces. My brother has body issues of his own, and he jokingly calls his uber-fit wife "Fatty." I just know if either of those little girls ever get even slightly chubby they're going to have a hard time. I've even talked to my parents about it, in hopes that they'll intervene if they hear