Ma Vaffanculo

So sorry for your loss. My father also carries a handkerchief, and I know it will be something that reminds me of him when he's gone someday.

I love the shorts under dresses and camisoles under fitted blouses (and with snug jeans, which otherwise rub the bare skin around my waist uncomfortably). I totally agree on sizing up. I did wear snug ones on my wedding day, and they weren't so bad. They did a bang-up job hiding the bit of belly pudge I wasn't able to

I swear, I felt nearly as shocked/dismayed by that last episode as I did when actual "perfect couple" friends split up out of seemingly nowhere.

In light of the recent Lena Dunham insanity, I invite Jez writers/editors to peruse the "Act Independently" section of the Code of Ethics, particularly this nugget: "Be wary of sources offering information for favors or money; avoid bidding for news."

Is it pinned under?

That would be me. I get lipstick teeth EVERY SINGLE TIME. I know all the tricks, too. I'm just inept I guess. Thank goodness for gloss.

HBO is pissing away money. I refuse to subscribe to cable to watch one or two shows. It's ludicrous. And some premium shows don't even let you watch along on iTunes. Networks are encouraging people who are otherwise pretty ethical to steal content. Apparently the people behind GoT know this and kind of shrug their

Oh Sandy, what happened? It looks like someone sewed together a few sets of cheap satin sheets. She's gorgeous, though, of course. Love her hair.

I hate my errant boob fat. Even when I'm in tip-top shape, it's there. Vagina in an armpit is right. I think you're right that her posture could be a little better. Or she could forgo strapless dresses. They're really not for everyone. I mean, Julia Roberts had to wear a button-down shirt under hers. They're bad news.

You're so right! She looks better every year. I used to think she was kind of plain, but WOWZA. I also recently read a profile on her in Vanity Fair and now have a much deeper appreciation.

It's like she's trying to mimic the beauty queens, when really she should just be her awkward and endearing self.

I love this color on Lena — I wish I could pull it off — but the bust is making me so grateful that I didn't opt for a strapless wedding dress. I have boobs, and the couple of times I got stuck in strapless as a bridesmaid were not fun. It's not only miserably uncomfortable, but a wardrobe malfunction waiting to

Awwww. I imagine she's a pretty happy cat then. I think it's really important that people know you can get feral cats fixed for a small price. It's a humane thing to do for the cat and it really cuts down on all those sweet little kittens at the kill shelter. Even cat ladies can (should) only take in so many cats. We

You should trap her and get her fixed though. That is the best way to help prevent future unwanted/wild cats. There are places that will do it super cheap for ferals. And then you can release her back in your yard or whatever.

I will sign your petition. Also, such films should come with a warning: Rated AD for animal discomfort/death. I mean, sometimes I can't get my fingers over my eyes fast enough if I don't know it's coming.

Hugs. My kitty that I had for 18 years died a week ago in my arms. I still burst into tears as I'm vacuuming up stray tufts of fur. I'm so sorry for your loss.

People who treat animals as if they're disposable are so despicable. I had a sometimes mean ol' tomcat who peed on our floors and we still took great care of that asshole until he passed. I agreed to be responsible for him when I adopted him and I knew he'd be euthanized if I gave him up, so we just dealt with his

My mom and dad did lip pecks when we were little. My brother's daughters give me lip pecks, but the niece/nephew on my husband's side don't. They are very huggable and sweet though. They're all voluntarily affectionate children. If they weren't, I wouldn't make them give me hugs or kisses, but I think lip pecks for

I've left a bag once since I've owned a dog. It was seriously cold and had just started pouring and my dog likes to poop at the halfway point of our walk. My hands had gotten numb and I couldn't stuff both in my pockets because bag of poop. So I left it. And I drove back the second I got home to pick it up. That's how

My resolution is to wear more nail polish. Or to stop buying nail polish. I feel like this may be doable.