Ma Vaffanculo

For some reason, the word "tainted" in the headline also made me giggle. But it's Monday after a long holiday week, so I'm easily amused I guess.

Sniff. Here's my calendar girl.

You guuuuuuys. My kitty that I've had since college died yesterday in my arms. I'm so fucking sad. That is all.

Your cat looks EXACTLY like my Baron, who we had to put down last year (sniff). We called him Fatty. He strongly resembled a blubbery seal.

Oh boy, you planned your arrival wisely. ;-) Happy birthday to you!!!

Thank you!!!!!

Belated happy birthday to you! I hope it was wonderful!

Congrats! When is the Big Day? (Just preparing you for the question you will hear like 12,456 times starting the second you actually get engaged.)

My husband never thought he was the marrying type. Neither did I, particularly. But here we are. I guess your situation depends on how badly *you* want to get married. If it's really important to you, then you might start to feel a little resentful. If it's not, then I see no reason why you can't grow old together

Haha. Awesome. Thanks!

Normally, grammar pedantry sticks in my craw, but I'm with you on this one.

Happy birthday to all the other Christmastime babies! (Mine is today!)

Awwwww, thanks! Now I miss my kitty. And want to buy her a party hat. :-)

My birthday is today. It's bad enough that Jesus gets all the attention. If my husband had proposed to me on Christmas Eve I might have said no.

My brother is 6'8". Flying is pure hell no matter what. I am 5'9", most of it legs, and I want to strangle people who recline on short flights (on longer flights, especially overnight flights, I deal, but fuck you for reclining so you can snuggle with your boyfriend and watch a movie on a two-hour flight while I can't

Or, like, he could have opted to not get out of his car as he was instructed.

All their pals will have such a cool story for life. Sasha and Malia must be pretty skilled by now at vetting who's genuinely interested in them, not just their famous family.

I had a bit of a scare myself recently (lots of tests and worrying) that turned out to be nothing serious in the end. I totally understand that sense of a lack of control. But we're not truly in control of much during our time on this planet, except how we deal with what comes our way. Give your kids extra big hugs

Hang in there. One of my BFFs recently found out she has cancer in both breasts. Now they're determining if they need to take her ovaries too. She has two little kids. Her attitude is to make this the best Christmas ever. She definitely plans to be around for the next one, as do we all, but none of us has such a

The occasional funny segments are showcased on Hulu and elsewhere. I can't imagine watching that show straight through.