Ma Vaffanculo

I love tight tartan pants but could never pull them off. I bet she did it perfectly.

Will you please befriend my husband and give him gift-buying advice?

Stoning is the new form of red-carpet snark. That dress is hideous! Thunk. Thunk. Thunk.

I agree. She looks pretty, but much older than she should. I thought the name sounded familiar, but that it couldn't possibly be who I was thinking about.

I know. I like to imagine a thought process. Plus I'm a little stoned myself so I could see it.

Are they saying don't be a traditional woman and cook — just warm up some pizza rolls? Or that even helpless men can eat when pizza rolls are around as long as they can program an oven? Is Tostinos crossing out those kind of gender rolls, er, roles? Or maybe it was just a stoned social media person giggling, "gender

It's probably best. They just would've called you a brat and told you never to write them again or else.

I'm with you. About the same age and I could barely recall her. In fact, I think I only know her from the recent Urban Outfitters collection.

I never cared a lick for Lisa Frank (soooooooooo not my style) but this article kept me to the very end, which is rare for a lengthy piece on Jez. Terrific research and long-form writing. Also, no caps lock the entire time. Hooray.

Interesting. I was misdiagnosed as bipolar and am now told I have ADHD, which makes a lot more sense. My moodiness and intense bouts of anger threw people, as did my good grades, which I suspect would have been even better had my family known what we were dealing with (when it comes to studying, I can maintain focus

Another benefit of a religious upbringing is a built-in social network. I've personally strayed from the flock, but I think the support system can be invaluable for young people — especially those pining for belonging. It kept me out of trouble all through high school, that's for sure.

If you're desperate to have Greek letters on your resume, study hard and become Phi Beta Kappa. If you want to make friends, find them somewhere that doesn't require you to die trying. I simply don't understand the appeal of fraternities and sororities. Poor kid. Poor parents.

My golden retriever does the same thing. Oh, this ol' double fur coat? Let's just call it built-in sunscreen.

Ha ha. Yep. Those were my colors in July '12.

When I read "sexual services" and then "strigils," I thought for a second that strigils might be some ancient Roman term for splooge. Thank gods, no.

In Italy, I ordered a "succo di pompino" instead of a "succo di pompelmo." The latter means grapefruit juice. The former? Juice of blow job.

I'm from San Diego, which is super laid-back and friendly, so this city has been a major adjustment. I'm soooooooo glad I'm married and not having to date here. I don't think I could. I'm an occasionally outgoing introvert, definitely better one-on-on, so social events are tough on my nerves. But I try. And

Just dropping in to say I feel your pain. My man and I have been here in Seattle for four years and we have pretty much no real friends still. I can't even say I know everybody, except for a few sour-faced neighbors. Cold, cold city indeed. :-(

My husband and I try to get our nieces and nephews one fun, frivolous gift along with one book or educational toy. When my brother's girls were wee toddlers, my mom and I gave them each a kid-size personalized loungey chair from PB Kids (their only spendy gift from me ever) that they still use every single day. I

Very interesting. My husband and I are both 5'9" (he used to say 5'11" until we stood back to back; he'd be taller if he stood up straight). He says he'd always been attracted to women who were approximately the same height as him, because it suggests a certain physical equality. Plus, he points out, tall girls are