Ma Vaffanculo

Just curious: Do you have pet insurance? My crazy golden retriever racked up so many medical bills as a young pup that I finally bought it. It's $40 a month, which is A LOT. But if he ever gets a debilitating disease — goldies are super prone to cancer — I don't want the cost to get in the way of treating it with

Awwww man, so sorry about your fur baby. My dog is only four and I can't even think about this happening someday. My mom just put down her 14-year-old pittie. She always said she'd know it was time when Rascal stopped eating, but when it finally happened it was still so damn hard. Many, many tears were shed.

I interviewed Bode a while back. I guess I should've asked him why he's never learned how to put on a condom. (BTW: I feel sorry for his new wife. She seems sweet and a little naive, and he seems controlling and douchey. Also, the yacht was nice but definitely gave off the vibe of "smug athlete who impregnates women

BMI is such a joke. You and I have a similar build (and you look awesome by the way, just in case some troll decides the toes on your right foot must be HUGE or you wouldn't be hiding them in the photo). When my husband first found out how much I weighed, he was kind of shocked. "But you don't look like you weigh

I can't even imagine what 40 extra pounds of muscle on me would look like. No disrespect whatsoever to bodybuilders, but this is not the look I'm going for (I'm guessing the morning after pill wouldn't work for such ripped women either):

I can't even imagine what 40 extra pounds of muscle on me would look like. No disrespect whatsoever to bodybuilders, but this is not the look I'm going for (I'm guessing the morning after pill wouldn't work for such ripped women either):

No, I wouldn't feel healthy and athletic with 40 extra pounds. That's not the point though. Some commenters seem to be suggesting that any woman who weighs 165 or 175 is clearly overweight and therefore it's her own damn fault that the meds don't work as efficiently. Also, women, whether they are overweight or simply

My husband studies methane in the ocean. He just got a huge grant from the DOE to investigate what can be done about it before it's unleashed on the planet. I'll let you know if any of his findings are applicable to Charlie Sheen.

The main thing that bothered me about Bunheads was Sherman-Palladino's obvious and sad attempt to recreate the cast of Gilmore Girls in a new setting. Where did they find Rory's doppelganger anyway? But I also thought the show had a lot of potential, and I was enthralled by all the creative dance scenes (every time

The main thing that bothered me about Bunheads was Sherman-Palladino's obvious and sad attempt to recreate the cast of Gilmore Girls in a new setting. Where did they find Rory's doppelganger anyway? But I also thought the show had a lot of potential, and I was enthralled by all the creative dance scenes (every time

Seriously. I'm 5'9" and athletic with buff legs and big boobs. Right now I'm a little heavier, but 165 is an ideal weight for me. To get much below that I basically have to starve and work out 24/7. All these comments about how it's just our fault we're overweight. Pshaw!

Seriously. I'm 5'9" and athletic with buff legs and big boobs. Right now I'm a little heavier, but 165 is an ideal weight for me. To get much below that I basically have to starve and work out 24/7. All these comments about how it's just our fault we're overweight. Pshaw!

Seriously. I'm 5'9" and athletic with buff legs and big boobs. Right now I'm a little heavier, but 165 is an ideal weight for me. To get much below that I basically have to starve and work out 24/7. All these comments about how it's just our fault we're overweight. Pshaw!

Nice! Love the graffiti paintings especially.

Don't even get me started with wedding photographers. It took us a year and a half of determined persistence, and finally threatening to sue our photogapher to get our wedding photos. During that time, when I was beyond frustrated, I heard so many horror stories from people who paid a lot of money — in advance,

Well according to Kristen Schaal, Jon Stewart fucks pizza, so maybe he isn't the most unbiased person to launch this debate. I've had some decent pizza casserole (deep dish is totally casserole) but I'm going to side with the NY slice here.

I got in the BIGGEST fight with my mom once in my dreams. She and I rarely argue. I woke up feeling so agitated that I had to call her to clear the air, even though the dream fight had nothing to do with reality. As for my husband, I dream about cheating more than I dream about him doing something annoying, so maybe

How did you find out you were allergic to the dye? I found out during an MRI when I broke out in hives and couldn't breathe. FUN!

Seriously it's different for every woman. Talk to your doctor. If you have existing issues — super heavy periods, really terrible PMS, acne, etc. — your doc will have suggestions to help those symptoms. Plus you'll want to find out what your insurance covers. This one doc I went to pushed me hard to take a particular

I passed on the IUD after reading those same websites you mention, but mostly it was the "rougher-than-usual cramps" part that scared me off. I've been taking some form of birth control since I was 16 to help with heavy bleeding and agonizing cramps. Every form of BC seems to come with a tradeoff. My current