Ma Vaffanculo

I worked at an Internet startup right after college and that place was Testosterone-ville. There were only a couple of us women on the tech side, and though there wasn't any sexual harassment directed specifically toward us, the environment was so overtly a boys-will-be-boys club that I soon quit. Luckily back then

I did as well. Here's hoping she knows about the "other" inbox on FB!

My guess is that she's proud of her size 8, since she just lost weight? I dunno, it's not like she said "I'm a teeny-tiny size 0 but I'm still not perfect."

Isn't she saying she'd rather be a toned 8 than a flabby 8? You can be skinny but fat.

I dunno, for her 90th birthday I got my grandma Bettye a really sweet personalized autograph/photo from Betty White. The two Bettys were friends in high school so I tracked down White's agent and he contacted White. Perhaps that is different because it's personal, but my grandma was thrilled and framed Betty White

Happy birthday! Wait, does that mean you just turned 21? I hope you did some serious partying!

I had to look up Lorde as well. Also worth noting: she turned 17 today.

That's what my husband asked me: Is it even legal to fire someone for that? Then again, nobody in the background appears to be in costume, so maybe she breached some dress-code policy and it was the company's easy out.

Does anyone else have a scary sleep paralysis story?

I suggested Pliny as a joke to my husband, and now if we ever have a baby it will be named Pliny. If we have two, one will be Pliny the Elder and one will be Pliny the Younger. We like beer.

I grew up with an unusual and long name, at least by American standards, though it is not a made-up name. It was a pain in the ass when I was young — little kids couldn't say it (still can't), adults always shortened it (still do) — but now that I have a byline I am quite happy that I don't have a "normal" name. And

Well I guess now you know why newspapers died.

At what point do you just give up on the poor shirt? When I first met my husband, his t-shirts and dress shirts had pits so stained and crusty they could stand on their own. Nothing got those stains out. Not Oxi. Not scrubbing. We tried so hard! I am definitely sending this article to him so he can do his laundry

I used Drysol in high school. It saved me from being a disgusting sweaty outcast. My brother had to use it too. We're both overactive sweaters. It didn't kill my sweat glands cause I still sweat and get the occasional pit stains. I would do another round with it, for sure.

I've said it before on this site: The compliments that follow weight loss can be crushing. For most of my life, I've hovered around average — within the recommended BMI but not skinny. The couple of times I lost a lot of weight, people couldn't wait to tell me how wonderful I looked NOW. I knew the weight loss wasn't

Just Googled gynomastia. I knew what it was, in theory, but the photos were still surprising. I cannot imagine being a teenage boy dealing with that.

For someone with a disability, maybe at least six hours is working out like a fiend. Maybe she's at full throttle for every minute of those six hours. When I was recovering from major knee surgery, an hour exhausted me beyond belief and felt more like a 10-hour workout.

At a certain point I knew — like junior high — but at that point, kids were making so much fun of me that I'd have done anything not to have such pale skin. I grew up in LA and being ghostly white was as bad as being fat. I tried so hard to tan, and it never happened. I just got pink and freckled.

Or a rash guard, at least, during training? I had so many severe sunburns as a child that every upcoming visit to the dermatologist causes deep anxiety until I get the all clear for another year. I would give anything to go back and protect my super fair skin with an arsenal of sunscreen and hats and protective

On a related note: Wasn't that reindeer print on 20x200? It was on my must-buy list before the site disappeared suddenly. And didn't it disappear in part because it was not paying artists in a timely fashion? It looks like it's about to make a comeback tho.