Ma Vaffanculo

I disagree with your second point 100%. I worked my ass off in school and did really well overall, but not in STEM classes, several of which I took voluntarily. Hell, I even went to tutors and every office hour for help. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't excel or even achieve average scores. I never would

Oh man, I really dislike it when people insinuate that those of us who haven't achieved financial success are lazy whiners. That's just BS. My brain is not built for STEM. Every career counselor ever told me to be a writer, so I spent a decade of my life working my butt off to be a newspaper journalist and then my

I got fitted by the Bra Whisperer herself (the lady who owns the Intimacy chain). She didn't measure me, but kind of felt me up instead. The 32DD she picked out fit perfectly and I spent a fortune on fancy Euro bras. Then I gained five pounds and they were all too tight. FUCK. I hate buying bras. If you are bigger

I wrote about it on Yelp. Maybe you saw it there? It was the U District store. Several other people posted about the same salesperson, so maybe it's been written about elsewhere, as well.

ModCloth does not cater to larger women. I browse their site often and would say they target a younger crowd, like Urban Outfitters but much less tacky. A lot of their clothing is actually on the smaller side — tiny vintage-inspired dresses and minis and such — but they happen to carry a wide range of sizes which I

Agreed. I've gotten really skinny a few times (as opposed to my usual athletic/average build), and always hear things like, "You look so much better!" or "Wow, you look so gorgeous now!" Inevitably, my weight creeps back up to my comfort zone and I think, well, I must look like a fat asshole now. My body fights being

I don't shop at Lulu anymore. The last two pairs of yoga pants that I bought are from Prana. They're made in China, BUT they have a pretty long explanation on their website about why (one reason: they use hemp fibers, which apparently you can't do stateside) and how they treat their workers. Everything I buy from

Wow, I didn't realize the price difference was so significant. That sucks. I don't know anything about making clothing so I can't speak to how much more it *actually* costs to add fabric.

Ah, ok, so it wasn't J Crew. I couldn't remember for sure. Maybe it was Athleta? Honestly I don't really shop that much. I'm at the point in my life where I choose quality over quantity and only shop a few times a year.

That's so similar to my story (posted in the comments) that I am now convinced it happens all the time. Your poor niece. I've always been athletic but not skinny so I can relate. Having a strong, healthy body is what counts. I hope she knows that.

Oooh, LeoStar, thanks for the tip. Is it sold in the US? I'll be on the lookout next time I'm up in Vancouver (Seattle girl here).

I know, I know. I should've walked out. But seriously, despite what the sales lady said, my butt looked AMAZING in those pants and the hoodie was the comfiest thing ever. And I've worn them both a ton over the past four years and they are still in great shape.

Oh puh-lease. You can shop just about anywhere you want. So can I, but I don't pretend that I'm not lucky to have that option. Attitudes like yours are the problem!

Yes! I think my jaw literally dropped when that happened. I wrote to Lululemon about my experience. Of course I never heard back ...

First of all, some companies do charge more for larger sizes. J Crew, I believe, and I'm sure I've seen it elsewhere. I occasionally pay extra for tall sizes and I don't riot.

I don't know anything about dog psychology, but I don't think dogs are able to morally consider their actions. An attacking dog has been provoked or trained to be a monster by humans in many cases, through abuse or just plain neglect. It's acting on its primal instincts. (The same argument could be made for many

If there were a burning building, I would rescue humans before dogs. No question about it. But my dog is better company than a whole lot of humans I know. Maybe it's because I'm the dominant one with all the power. Or maybe it's cause he's not a huge flake. :-)

Yeah ... but our shelters aren't exactly empty in Seattle, are they? We just clean up the problem a little better ...

Someday I want to be that crazy lady with 10 rescue dogs at her feet. If I had my way, I'd adopt every stray I see.

It's because humans haven't been horribly betrayed/hurt/abused/heartbroken by dogs. I feel this way sometimes. I also care about humans, especially children, but it's so much easier to give your all to an animal. Humans can be shady, have ulterior motives, intend to destroy. Dogs just want some fucking love. I don't