Ma Vaffanculo

Thank you, I think he's beautiful too! Goldies are just, I dunno, magic? Even after a terrible day, one cuddle with my buddy and all is forgotten. Even when he's super stinky and gross, I bury my face in his furry neck and every dark cloud lifts away. Sometimes I'll walk him to where the homeless guys hang out and

If my dog were human, he'd be a felon. He steals from people all the time at the dog park — treats, toys, you name it. Luckily, he's so damn cute that nobody seems to mind. I blame the "treat training" puppy preschool, which taught him that he would be rewarded with food simply for not being a complete asshole. I

I usually omit the overuse of "like" when transcribing interviews (just as I omit dozens of "ums") — because it's cringe-worthy to read, as you point out — but I think in this case it serves its purpose. I have no doubt that this Barbara Morgan is a complete idiot and the worst PR person EVER.

I can't wait to see what the first First Gentleman wears. It WILL happen. Since first ladies are expected to look fab for America, I don't want to behold some boring black tux.

HA! I wouldn't say my husband gets turned on by farts, but he always looks so proud when I accidentally let one rip. I was raised to be "proper," which meant not farting in front of people even if your butt was about to explode. My husband's family, on the other hand, had farting contests. When I fart in front of him

I met my guy at 33 and married him at 37. The difference between you and me is that I never found anyone before him that I cared enough about to give 10 years of my life. I was mostly single for all those years. And I'm so glad I waited, even though at the time it wasn't really my choice. Besides, this sort of thing

Really? When I said "your presence is gift enough" to our guests I truly meant it. Being a wedding guest is crazy expensive enough when there's travel involved ...

Even just sauteed with olive oil and garlic and tossed with a bit of lemon juice, kale is delicious and accessible. Just season well with salt and pepper. It's great sauteed in bacon fat, too, with little bacon bits thrown in. I make a killer kale caesar salad with lacinato (dino) kale. Soup with Spanish chorizo (not

Exactly. And I'm sure she had such a typical experience there, too.

It repels me to the depths of my soul, but I'm still scared that it's inevitable. My husband also had an abusive father. My father and his father both had abusive fathers. It's such a horrible, heartbreaking cycle. I will say that my dad made a huge effort to turn it around. When I was maybe 12 or 13 he asked why I

The other day, my 90-year-old super-sweet grandmother was visiting. Somehow, my childhood came up, and my grandma said "It always upset me that your dad was so harsh with you kids, especially with physical punishment." My response: "So why didn't you say or do something?" Her: "Well, I didn't think it was my place.

Ha! I had the same experience when I first went freelance. I was so broke that I ate hardly any food at home and then scrounged leftovers at my night job at a restaurant. I was so skinny, but when my career started to pick up, I gained it back.

Yep. We paid a wedding photographer $2k last summer and NEVER GOT OUR PHOTOS. That bitch simply disappeared off the face of the planet. :-(

Here we have a wonderfully written memoir about a young woman who decides to find herself after suffering unimaginable grief and fighting heroin addiction. She does so by hiking solo on an often isolated and difficult trail for 1,000 miles, encountering many challenges along the way, including a man who seems like

It makes me wonder, though, if Saatchi had just admitted to to being a total douche and sincerely apologized, wouldn't he still have been crucified? I know I'd doubt the "sincerely." Ahem, Paula Deen. I love how this piece is in the "Fashion&Style" section. "Nigella Lawson: Another Star Chef Becomes a Cause." That

Isn't that what bows are for? (Yeah, yeah, that's probably bad too, but my niece looked darling in all of hers.)

$50 was the average amount of the gifts we received, and I thought that was more than generous. Sure, a few older, richer types gave us more, and we were thrilled and put it to great use. But quite a few people didn't give us gifts at all, and that was just fine too. I find it amusing that so many people in this

Isn't it also a bit entitled to complain about $25 gifts? Just because you don't have the gall to say it to someone's face doesn't mean you're not being petty. You're privately thinking they're "ridiculous," when you should be appreciative no matter what.

Yes! I sent heartfelt hand-made thank-you notes to everyone who attended our wedding last summer, whether or not they gave us a gift. Some of our guests flew across the country to be with us, which I'm sure was insanely expensive. To expect a gift from anybody is beyond tacky. We just wanted to throw a kickass party