Of course they are killing the Fit. It’s a car that fills the needs of 94.3% of America so no one is buying it. As for getting rid of the Accord manual... Eff everyone who talks the talk but doesn’t buy manual transmissions.
Of course they are killing the Fit. It’s a car that fills the needs of 94.3% of America so no one is buying it. As for getting rid of the Accord manual... Eff everyone who talks the talk but doesn’t buy manual transmissions.
So if you’re not actively fighting racism, you’re a racist?
But what you don’t do is point out that a very small subset of people claiming alliance with BLM are causing problems. You can make a coherent argument that there are outlier groups/people claiming affiliation who are doing outlandish/objectionable stuff. Instead, you impute that BLM is responsible for anyone who…
This. Laws making cannabis illegal were targeted at African Americans.
By your logic, you should take on as much debt as possible and invest it. Maybe pull $200k out of the house at 3%? Drop that into an index fund for 10 years making 6%, that’s at least an extra $30k.
Forgot to list that. It’s definitely the third desired outcome. Possible, and also profitable.
If you need one, yes.
The 747 is a historically important plane, but I’m not sure it’s demise is a huge loss for the flying public. Late last year, I did a round trip from Germany on Lufthansa. The way here was an A380 and the return was a 747. The a380 was a vastly superior experience to the 747.
This is definitively a double edge sword. Being able to software unlock features you want and customize your car how you want over the air can be awesome. I always hating having stuff all be packaged together because a 2$ high beam switch is only installed if you opted for leather.
I don’t understand why I have to keep reiterating this. They work, they just flash in a color that the poors can’t perceive.
I think they made turn signals a subscription service a long time ago. Seems to be going ok.
Uhm, Q3 and Q4 was profitable without regulatory credits.
Yeah, I see a lot of goal post moving on Tesla. First it was making a profit on cars (which they did). Then it was about making a profit overall (which they did). Then it was about 2 quarters of consecutive profits. Then 3. Now it’s asking for 4 (in the middle of a pandemic when the entire auto industry is in the…
Except that they have been profitable recently, and before that they were reinvesting revenue in the company for the supercharger network, model launches and production capacity improvements, and technology.
The thing is the Model S hit the market in 2012. Eight years later no one else built an EV yet that matches the range and performance of the 2012 Model S.
Well, considering the model s came out in 2012, if my dubious maths skills are correct, that means they managed to disrupt the auto industry(see ford, gm, etc. on EVs), become the second highest valued automaker in the world, become the leading auto seller in class, open and begin the construction of over half-dozen…
Because there is a large and hugely profitable segment of the truck buying population that both desperately wants to be seen as manly and also wants to be pampered and coddled like a little bitty baby butt.
In fact it’s just starting.
This recession ain’t over, friend.