
This is the kind of high quality journalism that only outing private citizens and distributing stolen sex tapes can provide.

Way too rational for Kinja

She would lose to almost any ranked man. That being said, that’s a dumb standard to hold her to. Tennis is divided into men’s and woman’s, and therefore it’s perfectly rational to let the best performer in either one be labeled the greatest of all time.

She would almost certainly finish near last on that tour. The gap really is that big.

Flipping houses was not what killed the housing market. That is some seriously dumb shit right there.


Jesus christ, you’re really going for it with this post. This is incredible. You make it sound in the headline like they’re just chanting it for no reason, because you know “singing along to a song” makes it sound much less bad. Then, when we’re primed to feel bad, you post the sad, desperate text messages of some

This isn’t really hating on black people at all. It’s a group of girls having fun singing along to a popular song.

I’m in this camp. I actually appreciate his insight on the competitors and the sport in general. You can tell he knows what he’s talking about.

I’d rather have a sports announcer who finds nothing exciting than someone who finds *everything* exciting.

I feel like he’s been fine?

What’s bigoted about a women not wanting to have unprotected sex? She’s not anti-gay, she’s anti-STD. I thought a woman had a right to choose what happens to her body. I guess that only applies if she passes your ideological test.

Liberals don’t care about statistics. You must be new to Jezebel. Welcome to Jezebel, where facts don’t matter and feelings are everything because, YAY, grrrrll power and boys are stupid.

Congrats from a White Sox fan!

I disagree. The story is messy, and the reporting is messy. Take this piece of writing, for example, and tell me if you understand it:

Blake Bortles is an anagram of Bleak Lobster. This means nothing and everything.

“I have a suspicion that he’s converted to Judaism purely for the jokes.”

Let’s not offend anyone by calling out the religion of peace again. If you just pretend they aren’t raping people, the problem will go away. Meanwhile, you can go through your normal mental gymnastics that you wouldn’t bother with had the perpetrators been white Christian males.

I knew this shit was going to have Fahey’s fingerprint all over it as soon as I saw the headline. Dude is amazing.