
‘composed of’ not ‘comprised of’

‘Begs the question’ does not mean what you think it does.

It’s ‘National Review,’ not ‘The National Review.’ If you’re going to be prognosticating about the future of the Republican party, it would help to get the name of the flagship journal of intellectual conservatism correct.

This is horrible. Also, the past tense of ‘sink’ is ‘sank’ not ‘sunk,’ which is the past participle. Stop saying he ‘sunk’ the ship.

The word ‘fungible’ does not mean what you think it does.

You do realize this disproves the argument you are trying to make? He could have had a decent rate of return with a generic CD, but his secret ‘rich person’ investments performed much worse.

Yes, specifically it means to assume a logical premise that stands in need of proof. The ‘begging’ (Latin ‘petitio’ ) means to come up short or fail to take account of. 

‘Suitors’ not ‘suiters’

“secular changes”?

‘delves into her politics and begs the question’

There was literally nothing about the Rolling Stone story that was believable. It was doubted from the very beginning.

So now that we know one of the shooters was an immigrant from Morocco, and the report that they shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ has been confirmed by reputable sources. The links advanced by the commentariat between this heinous act and Trump/Islamaphobia seem a little ridiculous.

This is exactly wrong. Establishment Republicans have been reliably pro-immigration for a long time. In fact, the Wall Street Journal has been advocating an open-borders constitutional amendment since 1984. Reagan oversaw the first amnesty. GW was a huge supporter of immigration, legal and illegal, as is Paul Ryan

‘White slavery’ is used to describe irregular and extralegal forms of keeping people in servitude (not just white people) and includes more than just sex trafficking. This is distinct from chattel slavery, in which people (not just Africans, but of course that is the form we all know best) are legally bought and sold