
Ah yes, that’d be why people are agreeing with me and starring what I said. I write for a living. So does Caitlin. It’s important that we know the rules. When I make a mistake, I expect someone to call me on it. If you don’t care, that’s fine, but some people do, and that is also OK.

No, they don’t. They may raise it, but they don’t beg it. Begging the question is a very specific circumstance, not a posh way of saying “raising the question.”

Yep, toxic masculinity. You’re right. It’s not the “women and children”. It’s definitely the “toxic masculinity” that’s been flooding into Europe in droves. All men. Not drowned toddlers on the beach photographed for all the front pages of the world. Young men. Some people tried to warn that it was young men and not

I think you may be blind if you found that when you examined the elephant. Perhaps willfully, but blind as a bat none the less. Try again.

“Not again”

You know, I would have never expected C-Webb to be as good as he is in the booth. He is phenomenal.

Are you a female? Are you currently covered from head to toe? Are you literate? Have you ever driven a car? Have you ever touched a man in public? If the answer to the first question is yes, and the answer to the remaining questions are wrong, there are a significant number of people out there that would have no

Are we still celebrating the cultural enrichment that comes with letting Muslims live alongside civilization?  

I mean, when you look at the fossil record, tree rings, ice cores, you can figure out that we’re actually in a very cool post ice age period. We should be warming. Not this fast, fine, but the earth is historically speaking very cool right now. I don’t deny we’re warming and I don’t deny that burning fossil fuels is

Also enraged was his other brother Dirrell.

Right, but there’s a difference between (poor word choice ahead) run of the mill sexual assaults and an ongoing, annual ritualized gang rape. So no, the story wasn’t believable for a reason it was a cultural Rorschach test. For the people who believed the story whole cloth, it confirmed every bias they had against

Right on. I compared this to someone who was throwing the word “respect” out over this sort of stuff. Since they are always passive-aggressively whining about their kids on Facebook, I likened what he’s doing to a bratty kid who demands that he gets to go to a waterpark for his birthday and then he wants to do this,

Witnesses saying they were shouting “Allahu Akbar” so you might wanna hold off for a few hours before deciding who’s fault this seems to be.

This is Marble. A cat we lost 6 years ago. She was found and trapped a week ago and is back home with us.

Yeah, but see it from their side. If you believe abortion is the same as MURDERING AN INFANT, that’s not a women’s autonomy issue, that’s a preventing murder issue. Viewed through that lens there’s really no conflict with women’s rights.

as a fellow veteran that is a emergency responder that responds to major chemical HAZMAT issues for a living I have to ask you.....what do you want done here? Rail is far more dangerous then pipelines (and lots of oil passes via rail in this area daily), older pipelines are reaching their usable lifespan and failing

Agreed it happens, but anybody voting for Cy Young based on win-loss record should not be voting. Thought Patrick should have come down a little harder on that rhetoric though.

I think he’s just pointing out that win-loss records still matter to a disturbingly large subset of baseball writers.

Thankfully I did the two seconds of research the author failed to do. The woman in this case admitted to making up the attack. Heck, she admitted it two days ago.

If I had a time machine and went back in time, I would talk with John Rockefeller, possibly the wealthiest man in history. I would tell him that I could travel to China in a half a day. That I could talk to any person on the planet and hear not only his voice, but also see his face, in real time from anywhere. All