Naked Snake

Yea, I guess I like the gameplay of RoR overall, and I liked the art, but I didn't LOVE anything, and eventually the tedium of playing the same levels again and again took its toll on me. I would have definitely played a non-roguelike version of it through to the end.

Sounds like a organization from The Venture Brothers. Hopefully in their quest for justice, they'll learn to start winning along the way.

Ah, I am not up to speed on the latest internet gossip. And presumably I shouldn't be in a hurry to get up to speed.

Shit, I'll take moving furniture ALL DAY over the other fiddly moving related tasks like carefully wrapping up bowls and wine glasses and deciding how to pack up the contents of my house's many, many drawers.

Alright, so for someone who has never played a Fire Emblem game and only a passing aptitude for tactical RPGs… which one of those game should I play?

"Go home and don't come back until you've maxed out your social links!"

So… thumbs down for Rapture? Or they're both good in different ways?

Gaping Dragon is funny, because it has so few moves that it can lull you into a sense of complacency, and then it will kill kill kill you with a series of hits once you get sloppy. Gaping Dragon practically begs you to overexert your stamina on hitting it, and then find yourself in a bad place moments later. It was

Maybe they're a group of literal losers? Like a bunch of people who entered a marathon and then sadly didn't finish first?

Your divine beast "hook" is such a great character. I feel like it's been a while since I've seen a character whose whole shtick is positivity and can-do enthusiasm. It's infectious, even when conveyed virtually.

Nice! I've gotten a lot of use out of my Vita. From the PSP era, I recommend the Patapon games, particularly Patapon 2. I don't like rhythm games at all, but the Patapon games won me over with their mix of tribal war, charming characters, and memorable monsters. PS1 I recommend Dino Crisis, which is an action oriented

Diary of Alan Breck: Surveyor of Extraordinary Lands

Vita's down to $150 (refurbished) these days. It's not for everyone but I enjoy mine.

It was archaic when they first came out with it. Now it just makes them look inept.

Nice, seems like a good match for the Vita. Action and tight mechanics are what make that platform sing.

It is with shame that I realize that I have played all of those games but have finished none of them. I have some serious backloggin' to do.

Hmmm… is there any reason why I shouldn't check it out on my Vita?

Yea, it's always good to have that backlog, but don't let the stone cold classics wait for too long, or they might become totally overtaken by events. I waited 5 years to play Batman: Arkham City and by that time, half of the magic was gone. But yea, generally your philosophy is the same as mine. I have a big backlog

How dare you hint at some superlative experience you had in 2012 and not share with us the scintillating details?

The rain is such a complete downer in the game that it's incredible. So much of the fun of exploration involves climbing things, so to have that restricted is incredibly annoying. And then I'm like, "What else should I do? I know! I'll cook all that food that I have been procrastinating cooking." And then I realize