They also learned “if we save money by omitting basic features like an Arcade mode people will be super pissed, so let’s just save money on the roster and presentation instead.”
They also learned “if we save money by omitting basic features like an Arcade mode people will be super pissed, so let’s just save money on the roster and presentation instead.”
Sorry, MvC:U, but Injustice announced Hellboy as a DLC fighter a month ago and I went out and spent the money I’d saved for you on that.
Now I just need that DLC to come out, and I’ll have the best fighting game ever.
And the real sin of Marvel Vs. Capcom: Infinite is that it only adds a handful of new characters, while omitting all X-Men. Shameful!
Weird things are going on with the Disqus->Kinja migration, methinks.
It’s now timely in the sense that his idea of the time coming for Miiverse to die was finally meeting the time for Miiverse to die. I don’t want to post anything about this again, because I don’t think my opinion has changed; I disagree with the notion that it should die, and find it even more horrible that it’s going…
Oh no, I haven’t studied! And I’m in my underwear!
Inspite of Gordon’s bland silence I adore Half Life. I never watched the X-files but I did watch Fringe and I think the plot in Half Life was better. It was both more concise, more thoughtful on the ideas of life in an indifferent Universe and the limits of man’s ability to control anything. The contrast between…
After all the posts saying about how I Am Setsuna was sometimes frustrating, a real thrill back to the grindy days of 90's JRPG’s and perhaps not one for lightweights, I decided not get it for the PS4...
Gotta agree here- Half-Life is best because the plot gets out of the way, and you’re right about the lack of gameplay innovation. Arguably they even made matters worse by codifying a certain style of highly scripted set-piece based shooter.
Now that you put it like that it sounds even better! Folding chairs and rustling newspapers is my dream life. But seriously, I would agree with you except my work computer (which I can’t make program changes to) only has Firefox and IE, both of which make this Kinja shit even worse. So now I can’t even really use AVC…
Hey Gameologerinos! I’m still trying to figure out the nightmare of a commenting system that is Kinja, but I thought I’d take the time to remind you that our book club for video games, the Revue Club, has survived the A.V. Club’s Kinjafication. This time, we’re discussing tactical third-person shooter Binary Domain: ht…
To be fair, blinking through timelines in the Borealis section could have been groundbreaking at the time, think of a longer version of that awesome Titanfall 2 level where you go backwards and forwards in time, playing through multiple timelines. That’s probably my favorite mechanic of a game that’s released recently…
Re: HL2E3:
It’s perfect as far as I’m concerned. You get the implication that the Combine are simply too massive and powerful for the efforts of Earth to have done anything to harm them in the long run, which just drives home the “Multidimensional Corporate Space Overlords” theme even harder. Earth might’ve bucked the…
Trumpified? I mean, it’s a shit system and it’s ruined the layout of everything but we’re still white supremacist free down here in the comments... which is actually a big deal for a video game website.
Thanks for the nod! As you folks may have noticed, I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how the best games teach you to play them through the act of playing them. It’s interesting that the same idea came up in the Sonic Mania article and the Madden article, as it’s definitely not something that most games get right.…
Random Awesome Gaming News That Popped Up Today:
Thanks everyone who posted in WAYPTW! After a couple of discouraging WOTs, it was nice to see some evidence that we might survive the switch! (And it also means that whenever I get my game done, I’ll still have somewhere to post about it.)
My weekend will definitely include at least two of the three games on my docket at present: Splatoon 2, NieR: Automata, and Not A Hero.