Interesting insight about the comparison between games and toys! I always felt like the fault was with me for not enjoying bad games as well. "I wanted this so much before I got it… why can't I enjoy it now that it's here?"
Interesting insight about the comparison between games and toys! I always felt like the fault was with me for not enjoying bad games as well. "I wanted this so much before I got it… why can't I enjoy it now that it's here?"
X-Men Mutant Apocalypse had the gameplay down pat, but I prefered the Genesis X-Men game for one reason: the environments. From starting in the Danger Room to moving through underground labs and dense jungles, the Genesis game made amazing use of its bright colors. Mutant Apocalypse was more focused on combat in…
It was innovative, sure, but it was also badly signposted and it was hard enough to get to Mojo as it was. Effectively, he was the final boss for me. It wasn't until years later when I played it on emulator when I had the pleasure of finally seeing the somewhat impressive final level on Asteroid M.
I wish I worked for a company that cared enough about me to try to brainwash me…
That game was a learning experience for me. Before playing it I had chosen my video games mostly on the basis of their subject matter. I liked wizards and barbarians, therefore I bought Gauntlet. I liked ninjas, therefore I bought Ninja Gaiden. And oh man, did I like Spider Man and the X-Men, therefore I bought Spider…
I'm imagining an Aquaman SHMUP where are the enemies are fish and sharks and eels and other assorted aquatic lifeforms. Is that the way we are going with this? Instead of shield powerup he could just get a shoal of dolphins to swim circles around him.
I know the feeling - echoing DL below, an RSS feed is a good way to stay on top of things. But I fondly remember the days of an article at 9:00, 12:00, and 2:00 to divide up the day.
Your hype is having it's effect on me… but this is still way too much for me to spend on an accessory. But I have added VR to my mental "Investigate on Black Friday" list.
Glitch you old so-and-so! Have you been here all along?
And we're going with the Trident as the laser gun, right? I'll start look up tutorials.
I often tell my daughters, who are still to young to read, that Link is a girl. Depends on the game in the series, but often it's an easy case to make.
Agreed on the youtube route. I enjoyed Asura's wrath but the actual gameplay was not its strongest characteristic. Far from it, in fact.
I played through about 2/3rds of Bayonetta on easy and I ran out of steam. I wonder if it's one of those games that I would enjoy more if I played it on a harder difficulty that would force me to learn more combo skills.
I can parry when I'm like "ok, I'm determined to parry right now… ok… ok now!" but there's a big difference between that level of parrying and being able to actually have it as a move in my toolset the way that, say, rolling or blocking are.
I didn't realize it was that short! That's always the strongest sales pitch any game can make for me. I'll give it another try.
Yea, at times the atmosphere, music, and tone were incredibly effective at creating spooky environments. But the characters refused to truly buy into that atmosphere. They probably should have gone either lighter or darker with the overall tone and committed to it. It's frustrating because they do both very well, but…
For what it's worth, I disagree on the dialogue front. I thought it was natural and charming without being overbearing. As I said below, there's kind of a tonal problem, but overall the game is well worth your time. My criteria for whether a game is/was worth my time is usually "is it memorable?" Oxenfree definitely…
Yea, Code Veronica just sounds like it has the craziest plot of them all (at least before RE5). That's part of what makes me want to check it out!
Sorry to hear that. It's nice that the service was so packed, though. Always amazing, with old friends, to meet all the people who knew them since you last knew them best.
Wait, are you making an Aquaman game with laser guns? Cause I'd play that.